Hello everyone. So, back from Crystal Dragon and had a blast. Travelling is tiring but sheesh is it worth it. I love the people I love the atmosphere it's pretty much the thing I look forward to most all year long. Love those people, and absolutely love looking at other peoples work and getting inspiration and ideas.

It's not often I am proud of my finished works. I can always find bits and pieces of flaws here and there and I always don't feel so happy about them when they're done. While of course there are parts of this that still feel a bit of and are perhaps a little bit imperfect it's probably the closest I've ever gotten to my initial idea and impression before starting and it's become one of my favourite personal pieces out of all that I've ever painted.

Also, I provided a few pictures with the alternate head at the end. I really liked both versions so it was very tricky to make a decision on which one to use but in the end, I just felt the scary face just didn't quite fit the idea of the scene's story in my head properly enough. I wanted to make her feel like she's magical and taking no effort to fly, whereas when she's yelling it significantly changes that feel.

I really hope you'll like my work and even though I'm happy with it I'm also surely happy to hear if you have any other feedback or advice if you spot anything you think could be improved.

  • Bran

    I also prefer the first version of the head which gives a more magical effect to the character, the painting is very beautiful, well done David ;-)

  • Alex ✍

    Great job ❤️

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Great ! Gold !

  • Ioannis PapadakisPLUS

    Gold work!!!

  • Kyle Maitland

    I find this one incredibly satisfying to look at.  Very cohesive.

  • Chris / g0rb

    Awesome! The lighting is spectacular. Gold!

  • Cristiano

    I like it. Gold