More experimental playing around with 'normal' skin and some stupidly bright armor... Actually most of this is experimental in one way or another.

Painted for the Monocure3D painting comp.
  • Archigrog

    Very nice experiment! It inspire an unusual sense of disorientation... I like!
  • Alex ✍

    Good job ❤️
  • Josh_Underhill

    These photos bring out the work you've done much better than the first ones I saw. Really nice execution in a lot of areas including the toxic caviar on the base which makes it compelling to look at despite the (at least to me) creepifying subject
  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    It works so good, beautiful painting!
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Original subject and beautiful skin
  • Aleksander Kursov

    looks nice!
  • Roman "Light_one" Gruba

    Really nice! :-)
  • Jakob V

  • Kara Nash

    Thanks for all the nice comments guys. Update: I won the competition and got a lot of free resin. It will keep me going for a few months for sure.