A boy playing with soldiers. A familiar situation? Especially since some of us have never grown up.
The project is specially for the Birthday of ALTORES STUDIO.
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Great idea ! I like it a lot !! Gold

    • Vladimir Sychev

      Thank you for your assessment. I’m glad you enjoyed my work.

  • Andrey Miroshnichenko

    Очень здорово  и необычно!!!

  • Roy Jones

    Оригинальная идея и классное исполнение!

    • Vladimir Sychev

      Спасибо. Почти два года идею крутили... Надеюсь, что не зря.

  • Blast Model


  • Bran

    I love the concept, congratulations !!

  • girlpainter57

    you have touched the little boy in all of us

  • Jakob VPLUS

    Incredible! Happy birthday! :)

  • Oleg Pogosian

    Браво Владимир Петрович!!!

  • Alex ✍

    Masterpiece ❤️

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    its a great idea and some elements are fantastic.. the hands and the attitued captures me so much. congrats

  • Jakob VPLUS

    This is fantastic! Cant wait to paint it

  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Шикарная работа!!!

    • Vladimir Sychev

      Я старался, Серёжа. :) ;)

  • Javier Hueso "PacoJavi"

    A little General at work… Lovable…

    • Vladimir Sychev

      Thank You very much for kind words!