After some weeks in the sideline, i came back with this beautiful piece by Big child creatives, an awesome sculpt where i practiced textures and skin imperfections.
Which btw, i found very hard. I already tried it but i want to learn a little bit more and practiceing is the best way. The biggest issue is trying to do a clean, smooth skin but with all those noise in the middle. Anyway, those things make it fun, hope you like it :)
  • Iván Moles "Stuka"

    Un gran trabajo, me encanta tu versión!

  • Bran

    A very recognizable style that I love !! This type of sculpture is perfect for your painting ....

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Hey Bran, thanks! :) i thought so too when i saw her

  • Alessandro Natale

    Wow, awesome work as usual! Gold!

  • Diego´Legendary´Painter

    Excelente trabajo, tu estilo impreso sobre ella

  • Diego´Legendary´Painter

    Excelente trabajo, tu estilo impreso sobre ella

  • Clive Jackson

    Fantastic work as always! Gold!

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Impresionante, como para perder la cabeza!

  • Krzysztof "REDAV" Kobalczyk

    Very nice work on the skin and I like the attempt of modulation/freckles because it adds more detail. Also, I think you painted her hair perfectly.

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Thank you very much dude! Painting hair always makes me cry inside xD

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Fantastic painting and great inspiration!

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Thanks a lot Magnus, that’s very flattering

  • Archigrog

    Impressive work!!

  • Blast Model

    awesome work

  • Josh_Underhill

    That skin is awesome.

  • mmasclans

    Molt guai com sempre. M agrada molt el to general i especialment a nivell interpretatiu la panxa i el cabell especialment darrere. Currazo! Parlem!

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Me’n alegro que ho hagis notat perque m’hi vaig estar moltes hores amb la panxa xD Moltes gracies :)

  • Alex ✍

    Great job ❤️

  • Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS

    A blast! gold and editor

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Thank you very much Francesco! It’s an honor! :)

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    I never believed in this sculpt from a personal perspective. Another hafl-naked barbarian with too many chopped of heads, but here it is your paintob proves me wrong and you evoke a strong character here! Beautiful work and Editor’s choice from my side!

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Thanks Roman, i am really happy you mention it because catching the character is one of my main concerns, and coming from you even more flattering, thank you really :)

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    Estas a un nivel impresionante. Siempre has pintado muy bien. Tienes un talentazo. Pero es que ahora interpretas los personajes de una manera única y muy personal. Ademas la velocidad de producción que tienes asusta. Muy bien tio. Enhorabuena

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Muchísimas gracias Alfonso! te digo lo mismo que a Roman, me alegra muchísimo que lo menciones porque lo del personaje es de lo que mas me miro cuando pinto. Que te voy a decir del resto, que es un honor que os guste lo que hago y lo apreciéis tanto. Es la mejor recompensa.

  • Mario Hernando (Netsuke).

    Enhorabuena Arnau, es bellísimo este trabajo. Me gusta en especial la parte inferior de la cara y las sombras de la zona del vientre. Cada día más inspirador.

  • kingbingo

    Very very nice painting….Gold fof you!