Model is Alexandros Amphitrite, sculped by Anastasiya Podorozhna, I honestly cannot describe how much I enjoyed painting this sculpt. Truly a joy, and it drove me to depart a bit from my usual style. Painted with Kimera kolors, and scale artist colours, over a blue/green/purple/ yellow underpaint.

The underpaint was made as inspired by seeing some of the craftworld stuff surging from australia, but was a continuation of my previous underpaint works (Verdaccio and Blue), so nice to explore. I don't leave much of the underpaint, but use it more to reinforce tones, overall incorporating a lot of 'sea tones' into this one overall. I also used an artist white (golden) for all volume increases, so it gets a bit more satin the higher you go, this was done as I knew she'd be based on glossy water and I hoped that would help. I think it worked out.

I find the dichotomy of a sea goddess in a raging maelstromesque sea, in a teacup very amusing, so I did it. It may also be seen as commentary for, something like drama in internet communities, it never really phases the outside.

thanks to my sounding boards along the way, and my wife for an awesome thrift store find (the china).

Enjoy the massively larger than life photos. I haven't cropped them so judge as harshly as you like.

Remember don't spill the tea!
  • Jakob V

    Perfect! I like your thoughts on it too! Lots of drama and overrreacting for sure!
    • Kyle Maitland

      And without it life would probably be a bit less fun. In a twisted sort of way anyway. Thanks Jakob.
  • girlpainter57

    great concept , great painting ,stright to favs
    • Kyle Maitland

      Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it as well.
  • Entrevon

    belle idée et sujet bien réalisé : gold !
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Great concept putting her in a cup with seawaves. Really cool project, Kyle!
    • Kyle Maitland

      Thank you Roman. The waves were a good patience test... Heavy gels apparently take forever. I suppose that means it was good for me, undecided. Hah
  • Josh_Underhill

    It's a really cool idea. The water is excellent too. Very dynamic.
    • Kyle Maitland

      Thanks Josh, the water was a mimic on how the model ship guys do it, with some... Learning in the process
  • Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS

    Very cool project. Love it.
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

  • Will “Sik Willy” Hahn

    brilliantly creative piece! The juxtaposition of scales, a maelstrom in something so small and 'mundane' creates a very powerful atmosphere. Gold dude.
    • Kyle Maitland

      Thanks Will, appreciate describing what you liked so nicely. I am also giddy you said juxtaposition :D.
  • Clive Jackson

    Clever stuff! Love it! Gold!
    • Kyle Maitland

      Thank you Clive. Glad you enjoyed it.
  • Flo « FFF » Rochet

    I am totally fan of this one!!