It has been a difficult work, due to the number of views and because I had to paint the different parts separately and maintain the coherence of the set, for that I was assembling the set periodically to check it. But I also really enjoyed all the process!
The scene represents the fight of light against darkness, trying to achieve a strong contrast between the dark side and the light side (of the force xD). Obviously my main reference has been the great classic of @alfonso_giraldes_banshee , in some points, as in the lower part of Obiwan's clothing, it has been essential to interpret the volumes correctly, because it's a set with many views! In some other parts I have tried to contribute my own interpretation.
Hope you like it! May the force be with you!
(More detailed pics on my IG)
eric wolfsPLUS
Wow, what a great master's painting !!! Great goldAndreu "Morglum Minis"
Thank you Eric, glad you like it! ;)Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
this is gold!Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Many thanks Ivan!!!WojciechBober72
Perfect job-Gold!!!Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Thanks, you are very kind! ;)Marc MussatPLUS
Excellent OSL !Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Thank you very much for your support Marc! ;)Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
me alegra mcuho ver por fin una version! muy buen resultado! . me halaga mucho gracia spor nombrarlo. si huibiese afinado un pelin mas en zonas focales el resultado seria aun mejor. peor en general es la mejor version q he visto.Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Muchas gracias Alfon, me alegra que te guste, tu versión es realmente una pasada! como te comenté, pintarla sin un referente previo tiene un mérito de .C......! Muchas gracias por comentar, es un gran halago para mi ;)Ivan Hortal A.PLUS
Ya solo por los huevos de pintartelo se merece un oro pero ademas el resultado es muy bueno. Enhorabuena.Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Gracias por comentar Ivan, tus trabajos son pura inspiración! Con la versión del Alfonso como referente fue sencillo encarar esta escena, me lo pasé muy muy bien con el proyecto y además he aprendido seguro un par de cosas! ;)Kyle Maitland
A good redux.Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Thanks for commenting Kyle! ;)Ale Moro
Great Work! Gold!Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Many thanks Ale!Clive Jackson
Excellent work on the lighting! Gold!Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Thanks Clive, glad you like it!Francois "Frado" Daugny
Very impressive OSL and vision of dynamism in this project!! Gold!!MartinSporka
Great painting! Gold!Will “Sik Willy” Hahn
Beautiful work all around Andreu, perfect capture of the scene. Fantastic!Stanislav Mokhov
прикольно.)) золотоIoannis Papadakis
Congrat΄s Andreu, gold work !!!TheGraveMiniatures
Currazo de valientes!! Enhorabuena vaya trabajazoEnric "Fenrik studio"
Or! Molt guapa!jparkdr