
This is part one of a two piece connected artwork I did on Nordlys Miniatures’ new model the Wanderer by Alexander Deryabin.

I will share next version when I finish it and show them together. They are sorta linked like yin/yan or polar opposites. First one is my lows. Second will be my highs. Her t-shirt gives link as to what theme will be.

I would love to hear what you think of it and read into it. Good and bad. I tend to overthink my pieces so general perception is most valued. Thank you :)
  • Denniz Hedin Salo

    Fantastic version, it has so much character and really tells a story!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you Denniz. Loved this proces with you all and when finished with fifth piece we should see them all together. Possibly line them up one day. To see all the mezmerizing stories. Yours was amazeballs!

  • WojciechBober72


    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank so much, happy you like this one

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    It’s fantastic my friend <3

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks. Big hug to you and thanks for the support during.

  • girlpainter57

    great story , the dog attention on the passerby , hers to the future or past

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks so much. So happy you got that bit with the dog. And yes the dog and girl are in entirely different places. Both dog and girl have had their heads repositioned to look in opposite directions. And past ir present, I am not sure, but definitely not a happy place. Thanks for comment!

  • Alex ✍

    Good job ❤️

  • Archigrog

    Wow!! Love!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you so much

  • Militarist_Studio

    Cool! My gold for you

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you so much for this :)

  • Ricardo Pisa

    Wow, cool version!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks so much :)

  • Alexander Deryabin (Zippo)

    Amazing job my friend!
    In color, this scene came to life. I did not expect to see tights with holes on the girl))) This is an unusual, but successful solution!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you! And thanks again for amazing sculpting. Well I told you about this idea early on, to make a homeless person. The panty hose with holes gives an interesting trashy look to her and adds to the variation of paint jobs. Best wishes

  • eric wolfs

    wow ! very original, i like a lot ! Gold

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks so much Eric!

  • Bran

    I really like the idea of ​​a diptych !!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you. I had to google that. :)

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"


    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you kindly :)

  • akitaka-misenai

    The story and paint match.
    very good!

  • pit rehmke

    Hello Jacob,
    You want the opinion of the viewer, I’ll give you my thoughts on this.

    You call this work the deep. I agree. Because you show a girl, probably addicted to alcohol, who lives on the street and maybe begs to act out her addiction. She is lonely, her last friend is probably her dog. In fact it can hardly fall any lower. I’m sorry for this girl, but I don’t think she will be helped.
    For this work I am happy to give you a gold !!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Hi! Thanks for taking the time. I am very happy to hear your thoughts. From a strictly narrative you are absolutely right. She is homeless, drunk and alone. I had many thoughts as to whether I should include the dog, but it was too sad without it. She is at the bottom. Hence the titel. The logo on the wall is from a big american bank, and she is sort of what is lost. There is symbolism in a lot of places. The sunlight does not reach this far down. Her face looks down, the dog looks up (she has absolutely no interest in being saved), but her I heart NY cup is actually filled with coins. Her shirt has the picture of a mountain. The dog does all the begging, and she does all the sadness. The title is a play on words from an album by Modest Mouse. Basically I see it as the places we go to find ‘blind spots’ where other people can’t judge us. The moon and antarctica. This is one of those places abd my next version is the other.

    • Jakob VPLUS

      I wanted to call it bipolar as it is basically just me and my polar opposites. I am too hard on myself sometimes, and the lows can be weighing down sometimes times that standing up is hard. In the end she is saying Gravity Rides everything as a nod to bystanders who look at her, maybe in a financial district in NY, meaning this could happen to you too. Even you in your fancy suit. So I think it is mostly just that. Being squashed against the pavement of life whilst everyone else is moving by. Gravity being extra hard on this girl who simply gave up. I pity her but also want to sit down next to her and tell her, that ‘this is all in your head and it can be controlled’. Get up, get up. Make amends and go home to whomever is waiting in sadness. Gravity can be controlled.
      From a technical perspective I am not sure the shade message worked but the whole image is something quite strong. The photos are not good enough, but for me, this is one of my favorite pieces. Thank you again.

  • jparkdr


  • Flo « FFF » Rochet

    Great story telling!  Gold

  • Mariano del Olmo

    Great part 1 as well. Keep the great work! Best,

  • John Delamere

    Very cool!