Perfect model to check up the fusion of reflective metal and backdrop. I might say that reflective metal creates better illussion with the backdrop in reality, than without. (context matters:) ) Hope you like it!

The model is from Terrible Kids Stuff. Painted with oils, both the model and the background.

Hope you like it!
  • Davide Rainone

    This is WONDERFUL!

  • Ale Moro

    nice job! gold!

  • a k


  • girlpainter57

    love the metallics

  • Atila KawautiPLUS


  • Alessandro Natale

    This is just amazing!

  • Alex ✍

    Wonderful work ❤️

  • Josh_Underhill

    Beautiful… It’s good to see another one of your ‘figure-backdrop’ compositions. I think it’s very true what you say about reflective surfaces and context via the backdrop (and possibly true in general with effects of reflected light in shadows, lighting and colour etc.).
    I also think your way of painting with oils helps facilitate the illusion.. I recently tried painting polished reflective metal and remembered thinking how much less tedious and more pleasant it might have been if I had learned to paint with oils.

  • Liu Yu Kang


  • Mario Hernando (Netsuke).

    Perfectly balanced. great job. Congrats.

  • Jakob VPLUS

    Brilliant, Dmitry, well done!

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    This is a Perfect piece. no complains at all. it is just wonderfully painted. well presented. well everything. love it. a reference.

  • Stanislav Mokhov


  • Chris / g0rb

    This is superb. Gold

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Fantastic mate!

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope


  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Deserves much much higher than gold!!!

  • WojciechBober72


  • akitaka-misenai

    amazing! Perfect! Gold.

  • Militarist_Studio

    Let’s revenge will sweet! Очень вдохновляющая работа. Только золото!

  • Jero Miniatures

    Pure Gold! Sooooooooo Good!

  • jparkdr
