“quote (…) to bear life remains, after all, the first duty of the living. The illusion becomes worthless if it disturbs us in this.
We remember the old saying;
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
If you wish peace, prepare for war.
The times call for a paraphrase:
Si vis vitam, para mortem.
If you wish life, prepare for death.” (Sigmund Freud: “Reflections on War and Death, 1918)
1/10 Bust from Beyond Miniatures, acrylics.
A bit dark but an immense pleasure to develop the narrative from just an idea I had in mind. This sculpture from Latorre is simply a fantastic playground for imagination and by the number of amazing versions you see around I guess I am not the only one sharing such an enthusiasm!
Technically the tattoo on the chest has been by far my most ambitious project ever. I did literally spend days sketching and thinking about how to use perspective and painting in order to adapt the visage to the anatomy and at same time give the illusion that the woman's gaze turns following the angle of the observer's view. (well.. or at least I hope it gives the illusion..)
Cheers and Happy New Year!
Jesús Gómez
I have seen the progress through social networks and I have loved a great GOLD^_^Alessandro Natale
thanks Jesus both for comment and following the progress!Alex ✍
Incredible work Alessandro ❤️ Your best by far for me!Alessandro Natale
thank you Alex!!!TimPLUS
Absolutely stunning - goldAlessandro Natale
thanks Tim, appreciated!Roberto Del Cima
Masterpiece!!!!!!Alessandro Natale
grazie ancora Roberto!WojciechBober72
GoldAlessandro Natale
thanks man! appreciatedsk_drille
that tatoo on the chest is awsome goldAlessandro Natale
Mouais.... Tu pourrais passer la seconde....Alessandro Natale
merci Remy!!ArtNiak
Super gold au carré, c'est exceptionnel !Bran
Bellissimo tatuaggio per questa bellissima versione. Congratulazioni Alessandro !!Alessandro Natale
merci beaucoup Bruno! y compris pour le commentaire en italien :)))Steph.DPLUS
Superbe ton travail de tatouage, vraiment topissime, un immense bravo à toiAlessandro Natale
Merci Stephane!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
gold. impressive amount of workAlessandro Natale
Thanks Nakatan!!! Appreciated manMally Anderson
Simply jaw dropping imagination and execution - pure goldAlessandro Natale
thanks again Mally! really appreciated your encouragement through the whole progress!Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Impressive work!! WowAlessandro Natale
thanks Andreu!!RaTrPLUS
Awesome work!! :)Alessandro Natale
grazie mille Riccardo!!!!Steve Jourdain
MagnifiqueAlessandro Natale
merci Steve!!!!Natalia Oracz
The girl on the tattoo looks like Aleesia, now you have to paint her too :D Very well done with everything, I like this one a lot. Pictures are a little bit too dark I think, but it doesn't take away from you painting at all.Alessandro Natale
thanks Natalia! good call, for the physiognomy I referred to her and surely I want to paint her too one day or another, but still have to figure out the right story.. really can't imagine her with huge tattoo of Dahak on her chest :)))Sebastian Schubert
The skin colour is perfect and the tattoo is really mindblowing. So far your best work, thumbs upAlessandro Natale
thank you Sebastian, appreciated!!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
One of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. GoldenAlessandro Natale
That's really kind of yours John, can't thank you enough for the appreciation!!MartinSporka
Man, this is insane! The 3D tattoes are amazing! Of course the "rest" of the bust is also excellent. Gold!Alessandro Natale
thank you Martin! really appreciate you people are enjoying it!Will “Sik Willy” Hahn
Fantastic work Alessandro, you know how I feel about this one. Easy gold!Alessandro Natale
thanks again for your feedback and huge support Will! don't have enough words to say how much I appreciate!JakeyZH
24K GOLD!!!Alessandro Natale
thanks Jakey!Marc MussatPLUS
que dire ! du talent d'artiste, avec en plus, toujours de l'originalité qui ne rend rien à la qualité technique de ce que tu fais ! bluffant !Alessandro Natale
merci beaucoup Marc! encore une fois je suis vraiment flatté de ton soutien !David Batista
Gold, you may want to see my latest project that includes a tattoo, albeit smaller than this one.Alessandro Natale
Hi David! Yep I know your one!irs amazing how many incredible versions are there around ! Check also the one from Jamie Chocano if you didn’t yet.. that pretty cool too!Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Wow wow wow, pure perfection!Alessandro Natale
It’s me saying wow for your appreciation! Thank you boss!fabrizio1969PLUS
super!!!!!!!!!!Alessandro Natale
Grande Fabrizio , grazie mille!Paolo-Di-Poce
super work, only gold for thisAlessandro Natale
E cosa posso dirti a te?:) Grazie mille!!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
amazing. im really in love with thisAlessandro Natale
ok... now I'm really flattered!! thanks Master!!!!!!!Laurent Aubry aka Pisco
Un projet qui tabasse ! Bravo à toi et merci pour ton approche inspiranteAlessandro Natale
Merci à toi Laurent!Adam
Those tattoos are awe inspiring! goldAlessandro Natale
Thanks!John Delamere
I've been watching this progress on Facebook. Absolutely amazing work! The tattoos are better than most tattoos I have seen in real life. Excellent! Gold!Alessandro Natale
Thanks John! Appreciated your support all the way long this journey !!!Poliakov_Andrii
GOLD !!!!David Batista
Gold! Maybe you can see my version of this figure in my projects...Archigrog
Straordinario...non riesco a distogliere lo sguardo...Jim Jackson
Amazing use of freehand. Incredible details without overpowering the piece. GOLD