This is my interpretation of the magnificent bust modeled by Allan Carrasco Orko.
And I tried to represent the style of Paul Bonner, that Allan transmitted with modeling
Hope you like it.
  • Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)

    Beautiful colouring

  • Enrique Velasco - emuse

    One of the best ork faces I´ve ever seen. Congrats Diego!

  • Archontis Kitsios

    Really one of the best versions of this bust.You have done an excellent job with all the color transitions. Greens, Yellows, Blues, Purples, Reds, Oranges, all there. If I ever get my hands on this bust, yours will be used as my reference!

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    That’s a Diego! Yeah it is!
    I can smell your paintjobs from deep bavaria if I see one!
    Love it!

  • Lee Hebblethwaite (10 ball)

    Bravo !

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    las fotos destrozan este maginifco trabajo tonal. ese fondo se carga todos los tonos medios, te los agrisa y te azula el conjunto. la mini es mucho mejor que eso

  • Diego Esteban "dieguetestudio"

    Thanks for all the comments.  I’m glad you like it

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Best version ever

  • Jero Miniatures

    Una crema Diego! Me la quedo de referencia para la montaña de Bustos de Orcos que tengo en cola! ;)