‘The hamlet of Northweald was once renowned for its timber, beer, and hospitable people. All that changed two decades ago when a darkness crept into the forest. It was fast, it was powerful, and it has a taste for human flesh, both as sustenance and as fodder for its experiments. In the years since, the town dwindled to just a few residents, too poor or too old to seek refuge in the south. They had named their horror Faolan the Haunter, and it can be argued that the black plague was a release from his reign of terror’

Probably the most fun I’ve had painting a miniature. A wonderful sculpt by Patrick Masson based on the incredible art of Paul Bonner.

this bust is for sale, PM for details.

thanks for looking

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS


    • TimPLUS

      Thanks Magnus

  • Phoenix Miniature Art

    Easy gold to be honest, beautiful

    • TimPLUS

      Cheers buddy and thanks for the advice

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    gold delivery)

    • TimPLUS

      Thanks mate

  • Pierre Balmette

    Dear Faolan, you are ugly but so beautifully painted : ) gold for me, love the subtile tones on the skin and the eyes are very well executed.

    • TimPLUS

      Thanks man, it’s true he has a face only a mother could love

  • Rhett “Saint Toad” Jenkins

    I love the brushstrokes and colors.

    • TimPLUS

      Thanks Rhett

  • Mally Anderson

    This is some great work dude and the thing is, I know for certain the photo let’s it down. I still know this is gold, I am comfortable with that.

    • TimPLUS

      Thanks for the help matey. I do definitely need to up my photography skills

  • Jakob VPLUS

    My god that is a cool version. Love the palette and brush strokes.

    • TimPLUS

      Thanks Jakob! You sir, are a legend

  • Toolove


    • TimPLUS

      Thanks matey, I think you may have forgotten to vote on the medals though

  • Francois "Frado" Daugny

    Excellent and original choice of colors. I also like very much the lighting of the green things on the chest. Gold!!

    • TimPLUS

      Thanks Francois, I struggled a lot with the Jade (I think it’s jade) jewels but I’m happy with how they turned out. I think you forgot to vote though

  • Kara Nash

    Very nice use of chromatic greys. Refreshing.

    • TimPLUS

      Thanks Kara, I’ve started using a lot of greys recently. I like the contrast with the vibrant splashes of colour

  • Adam

    Great job Tim, well done!

    • TimPLUS

      Thanks dude, appreciated

  • Alex ✍

    Beautiful work Tim ❤️

    • TimPLUS

      Thanks very much Alex

  • Poliakov_Andrii

    GOLD !!!

    • TimPLUS

      Thanks buddy

  • Max RichieroPLUS

    Love Bonner. Gold

    • TimPLUS

      Me too, thanks dude

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    Best version.for me. Gold mate

    • TimPLUS

      Wow thanks Paolo, That’s a huge compliment as there’s some amazing versions out there

  • Ste66


    • TimPLUS

      Thanks mate

  • Jonatan Gil - ElinhirPLUS


    • TimPLUS

      Thanks mate

  • Pablo Unamuno
