Hey guys. I did an interesting project - repainted Zatanna 10cm figurine from Eaglemoss. I couldn't strip the factory paint, so I scrapped it off in some places (the figurine was literally flooded with it). I decided to upload this project because I find interesting the contrast between before and after :) Proper shading and controlled painting can change the sculpt a lot.
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eric wolfsPLUS
Yesss ! There is a big, realy big difference between before and now. And i love now !! Big difference = big gold, congrates !Natalia Oracz
Big thank you is in order! :DMarius "Der Stone "Stein
What a difference! Great paint!Natalia Oracz
Thank you very much :)Gabriele Leni
Huge paintNatalia Oracz
Thank you :)Thorbjorn Barone
Great one natalia!Natalia Oracz
Thanks, TB :DRhiana, "Cyradis"
The fishnets and the playing cards are way cool in here, accompanying the rest of the great work :)Natalia Oracz
Small additions but they do their magic :) Thank you!David Batista
Good work! Gold!Natalia Oracz
Thank you :)Paolo-Di-Poce
lovely work, goldNatalia Oracz
Thank you!Bran
A total success !!Natalia Oracz
Thank you :) painting changed the sculpt a lot :)Francois "Frado" Daugny
very impressive and delicate painting, Gold!!Natalia Oracz
Thank you <3Pierre Balmette
Congratulations, a plastic piece turned into a piece of art. Gold!Milosh Meehan
Love love love this! I have done this with some Disney playset figures. It's so much fun. Great work!!Will “Sik Willy” Hahn
What a fantastic transformation Natalia! Cards on the base are a great touchMax RichieroPLUS
Wow goldPablo Unamuno
Gj, gold!Evgeny Golubev
Excellent, beautiful work, gold!John Delamere
Amazing what a difference the right painter can make.Rhett “Saint Toad” Jenkins
Now why’d you go and ruin a perfectly good model? Nah, kidding, she looks... ace. I’ll be here all week.Clive Jackson
Wow! Excellent job! Gold!Adam
Truely outstanding work!Roberto Del Cima
Amazing job!JoeHudson
Awesome! Love it!Atila KawautiPLUS
Wow! Amazing work!Adam Gladziński
Incredible work! :)Arturo ArellanoPLUS
Amazing.Victor Vera
fantastic improvementWojciechBober72
Złoto!Marc MussatPLUS
amazing !