Hey guys! Here's my 1st mini from Neko Galaxy, a brand producing miniatures I always wanted to paint (since I was just a little baby display painter). She's a space pirate on an avenge mission. I gave her an eyepatch to make a dangerous and experienced rogue out of her. She brings up thoughts about The Bride from Kill Bill and Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid :D Big thanks to my friends, Paweł Kukiełczyński, Krzysztof Kobalczyk And Lukas Zaba for consulting and a good word <3
You can find me here:
I think I already said it for the WIP picture, but I love the color scheme. I also like the small personal touches/additions, great work! (I wouldn't want to be Pawel :D)
It’s always a pleasure to look at your work Natalia, I absolutely love the palette and the color and light play. The cool atmosphere fits the character perfectly
Balazs Szendroi
I think I already said it for the WIP picture, but I love the color scheme. I also like the small personal touches/additions, great work! (I wouldn't want to be Pawel :D)Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
instant gold =)Pierre Balmette
Amazing job and colors! Definitely MGS vibe somehow. Gold!Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov
Wonderful! Goldtomtan-55
Beautiful girl wonderful paintingTapio SalminenPLUS
Lovely work! The eyepatch and the scar give her tons more character.eric wolfsPLUS
Wow ! GoldSeyni-NDIAYEPLUS
Flawless as per usual Natalia, I love your game of colors and the way you play with textures. GoldAlex ✍
Beautiful work ❤️Will “Sik Willy” Hahn
It’s always a pleasure to look at your work Natalia, I absolutely love the palette and the color and light play. The cool atmosphere fits the character perfectly