This is my third reboxing of the Young Miniatures classics. It is the beautiful sculpt of a Roman Signifer by Young B Song. I had several ambitions with this project. My main ambition was to increase the temperature shift between the two lights. In this case warm yellow and purple. In addition, I wanted to try a new nmm method and further improve my cast shadow treatment.
Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Spectacular, I love it!Alex ✍
Thanks Magnusgirlpainter57
NMM worked very well, shading and lights harmonise giving a great impressionAlex ✍
Thanks GirlpainterMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
GoldAlex ✍
Thanks IvanAndrey Miroshnichenko
Wonderful painting! Like it! Very well done NMM.Alex ✍
Thanks Andreyeric wolfsPLUS
Great result ! Congrates, that's a realy beautiful bustAlex ✍
Thanks EricBran
Beautiful, I love it !Alex ✍
Thanks BranWojciechBober72
ZłotoAlex ✍
Thanks WojciechMarius "Der Stone "Stein
Wow! Really nice!Alex ✍
Thanks Mariusa k
Love the style and reflections. Cool!Alex ✍
Thanks AlexeyMichael Volquarts
Super.....Alex ✍
Thanks MichaelCraig Fairclough
Brilliant work! GoldAlex ✍
Thanks Craig ❤️Will “Sik Willy” Hahn
I really like this one Alex, I love the wood grain and the metals, the light play, and I think the cast shadows are very natural. Awesome work!Alex ✍
Thanks WillTimPLUS
Very coolAlex ✍
Thanks Tim ❤️Romain Schoemaeker « Gr0gus »
I really love the smooth borderless rendition, a real technical showcase, and very interesting take. definitely favorited for la deeper study.Alex ✍
Thanks Romain ❤️ And thanks for your thoughtful comment!Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Great!!!Alex ✍
Thanks Sergey!Theodoros Giannakopoulos
As always, excellent transition between light and shadow !Alex ✍
Thanks Theodoros ❤️"SCV Park" Yeong Min
Very Nice~! Gold~!!Alex ✍
Thanks Yeong ❤️