This is my first project in the master class at my club's yearly competition ,it got me a silver medal. It took me 2 years to complete this one ,those feathers pfff .... there was also some filler involved to get the job done . I really dont paint as much as most of you either , because i have a few hobby's ,this is my hobby for the colder months . It is however a hobby that i've been doing the longest of all , but that was more diorama's ,planes and tanks . I painted figurines also but not as fine as now, i used to paint with undiluted oils , huh .. .With some practice and stealing with my eyes from the big guys their techniques ,i'm trying to get better overall and be worthy of the title masterpainter .Dont think that this a competitive issue, its rather personal . I want to be good at everything i do .
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    That’s a really nice painting. But the pink background really spoils the work done. It is always preferable to put a black or white hinge.