Thanatos by Michael Kontraros (150mm bust). She was my first attempt at femal skin on this scale, which was a challenge to say the least.

As soon as I saw the box art for her I thought "HR Gieger", so wanted to take her in a much darker more desaturated direction. Tools artistic direction in their videos also influenced her a fair bit(thank you Schism lady).

Overall I'm super happy with how she's come out.
  • Claudia Kirchner (Hyony)


    • Aaron

      Thanks Claudia

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    That’s pure gold!

    • Aaron

      Thanks Ivan, glad you like her

  • girlpainter57

    gold great palette used

    • Aaron

      Thanks, the muted palette was a real challenge (particularly as I usually love high saturation). Glad you like it.

  • Alfonso Ciattini


    • Aaron

      Thanks Alfonso

  • Nicol Bonacina


    • Aaron

      Thank you

  • Henk

    A superb rendering, I really like the almost monochromatic darkness of it. 

    I have this sitting on my shelf, and your approach has given me some good inspiration and thoughts for my attempt.

    • Aaron

      Its a stunning model to work on, so of you’ve got one I can’t reccomend her highly enough. Have some fun and go for it!

  • Enric "Fenrik studio"

    WOW, gold!

    • Aaron

      Thanks Enric

  • Peter (Chilwd)

    Turned out nicely, great job Aaron!

    • Aaron

      glad you like it, it’s been great to see her received so well

  • Fabio Ricci


    • Aaron

      Thanks Fabio

  • Pierre Balmette

    Really great version, nice to see this bust brought somewhere else. Like the dark tones that suits her well, only thing I don"t like is her eyes, but that’s personnal. A big gold anyway for this great result on a difficult piece. Just made one myself, in my gallery if you’d like to see!

    • Pierre Balmette

      And the base suits the figure very nicely too!

  • Atila KawautiPLUS

    Amazing work! Gold!