This 54mm vignette shows the last farewell of Marie Antoinette and her children. I have had a lifelong interest in the French revolution, its history, and how it changed European history.
With this scratch built scene I wanted to show the different expressions and emotions in a quiet scene, yet powerful and filled with drama.
And the painting using a limited and muted palette was also used carefully.
This vignette was made in 2018 and remains one of my favorite scenes.
  • Vitaly Lapshin

  • Clément Dessertenne

    • Mike Blank

      Merci beaucoup!!!
  • Bran

    A recognizable style, which is always so incredible !!
    • Mike Blank

      Thank you so much!!! Mikw
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

  • Erik Gideonse

    Wonderfull scene! Gold!!
    • Mike Blank

      Thank you so much Erik!!! Mike
  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Wonderful, lively, exquisite and unique!
    • Mike Blank

      Thanks a million my friend!!! Mike
  • Langenberg

    This is my favorite Mike. Absolutely captivating.
    • Mike Blank

      Thank you so much! This scene is one of my favorites too, really enjoyed doing this vignette. Mike
  • Jakob V

    Absolutely amazing. Heartbreakingly full of emotion. Bravo.
    • Mike Blank

      Thanks Jakob, I really tried to achieve a sense of sadness and grief when sculpting this scene. Mike
  • Clive Jackson

    Great use of colour! Gold!
    • Mike Blank

      Thanks Clive! I wanted to use colors that are working together, not fighting each other for attention. Color harmony was my aim. Mike
  • Philippe

    Great painting!
    • Mike Blank

      Thanks!!! Mike
  • salmar

    • Mike Blank

      Thank you!!! Mike
  • Fabien DOUGNIER

    Powerfull !
  • giovannivassena

  • filippo

    Superlative most dramatic scene. Gold!