I warned you guys!
Here is another Agincourt scene, this time a smaller one. This is a 54mm scratch built vignette from 2 years ago (old sins indeed!)
Here we see king Henry V leading his outnumbered and starving army against the french knights...
This battle has always fascinated me and always will.
The hard fighting, the terrible conditions, the desperation and the triumph against the odds.
And it gives the sculptor and painter a great opportunity to practice how to sculpt different facial expressions, body language and also how to paint blood stains and some mud spots or two!
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    awesome. this is a word you'll hear rather often from me =) gold is another such word)
    • Mike Blank

      Haha! Thanks a million my friend! Mike
  • Clive Jackson

    Nice one! I love these tight compositions! Gold!
    • Mike Blank

      Thanks Clive! And I love doing these tightly composed scenes, and once again, I am very much inspired by the classic painters and sculptors, were they use a very minimum of "dead space". Mike
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    gold !
    • Mike Blank

      Merci mon ami!!! Mike
  • Philippe

    • Mike Blank

      Thank you Philippe!!!
  • WojciechBober72

  • Sam1991

    Lovely !