I have finished my new dwarf king on a typical honourguard base. Especially the painting of the model took a long time, with all the NMM details, so I am happy that it's complete now
I have used a few of our new birds and fishes from our animal sets. They can be found here if someone is interested:
The model is from upcoming kickstarter from Iain Lovecraft: Tale of the Two Cities:
I made pictures of all steps of the creating of the base where I tested a couple of new products, it will be available on my Patreon after my pause there. It's currently paused, but there are still a wide range of Tutorials available:
Thanks for votes or comments!
Best regards Oli
Znakomita praca-złotogirlpainter57
fantastic, setting and painting give the scale outstandingJosh_Underhill
Always good to see your settings/basing but great work in particular on the birds!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
That's awesome. Gold!Michel
A typical "OLI"...! Perfecvt colors, perfekt Landscape, amazing atmosphere! GOLD!StephanPLUS
you are getting better and better..Stanislav_Musevich