today, another blast from the past - a mini I painted in 2020. And today it's time for some ancient Roman action - of course in 1/72 scale.
This mini comes from the <a href="">Republican Roman Infantry</a> set by Zvezda, which is probably my favorite set of 1/72 soft plastic minis. The scene portraits a <i>princeps</i> of the Republican Roman Legions throwing his heavy javelin, the <i>pilum</i>. I imagined this Roman legionary to be fighting in some engagement during the <a href="">Second Punic War</a> in a dry, hot environment, maybe at the <a href="">Battle of Zama</a>. I attempted to capture the heat and dusty atmosphere in the warmish colors - and, of course, the base. The inspiration for the shield art comes from an artist rendering of a later Roman legionary, so it likely is not really historical. But I liked it ;-)
I learned a lot while painting this mini - it was the second time I tried my hand at NMM...
Thanks for your interest! Talk to you soon. Best,
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
deserves gold no doubtDavid KuehnPLUS
Thanks, Ivan!Rhiana, "Cyradis"
He turned out great! Very glad you have a pic with a coin. You got the tiny detail and it shows!David KuehnPLUS
Thanks a lot, Rhiana. Yes, I found that adding the coin really helps in getting the perspective right ;-)vincenzo gambinoPLUS
nice paint ... goldDavid KuehnPLUS
Thanks, Vincenzo! :-DKrzysztof Kudryński
GOLD!David KuehnPLUS
Thanks, Krzysztof! I'm a great fan of your work!