back again with some older work, finished in 2020. This vignette is part of a multi-project display I have been preparing for some time now on the topic of the <a href="">Hanseatic League</a>. The scene depicts a knight from the <a href="">Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem</a>, commonly known as the <b>Teutonic Order</b>.<br />
In the wintery scene depicted here, I envisioned a knight of the Order somewhere in Livonia, preparing for an armed encounter with some Livonian warriors. The figure is a wonderful white metal cast from <a href="">Valdemar Miniatures</a>.<br />
Let me know if you like it! Take care,
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
wow. that's tiny!David KuehnPLUS
Thanks, Ivan!Luca Oldani
Wow !!! GoldDavid KuehnPLUS
Thanks a lot, Luca!eric wolfsPLUS
such a little piece with great painting ! GoldDavid KuehnPLUS
Thank you, Eric. Glad you like it!vincenzo gambinoPLUS
nice paint ... goldDavid KuehnPLUS
Thank you, Vincenzo!Krzysztof Kudryński
GOLD!David KuehnPLUS
Thank you, Krzysztof!Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Beautiful work! I like the amount of colours in the chain mail a lot, it adds an interesting touch.David KuehnPLUS
Thanks so much, Martin! And: really happy to hear that one can see that color variation in the metal parts!Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov