Hopefully, by painting all of the "mundane" details on this piece w/ a worn realism, the wildly fantastic fish seems that much more realistic!
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    gold! such a cool painting!

    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you SO much. I really enjoyed trying a color combination on the fish I had never used together before.

  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS

    nice paint ... gold

    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you my friend!!!

  • TimPLUS

    I love this sculpt and I can’t begin to think how difficult it was to paint, you’ve done a wonderful job though - gold

    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you very much Tim. It is an amazing sculpt. But 57 parts was a LOT of work … probably took me 60+ hours to complete. I appreciate the kind words. Thanks again.

  • John Delamere

    Such a beautiful piece.

    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you John! I love his sculpts ... so many amazing details everywhere!! They are a painter’s delight.

  • akitaka-misenai

    Beautiful harmony of color and lightness!

    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful words. It is a beautiful sculpt and I truly enjoyed bringing it to life!!

  • ohtekPLUS

    huge~! beauty`~ gold~!

    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you so VERY much for your kind words and support!!

  • Luca Oldani

    Fantastici dettagli   GOLD !!!

    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you SO much!!

  • Bran

    I am happy that my vote gives you the note of 90, your work deserves gold !!

    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you my friend!! I really appreciate the vote and the kind words!!

  • EntrevonPLUS

    original et très bien traité ! bravo

    • Jim Jackson

      Thank you very much! This piece was done for a client and they chose the colors for the fish.

  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Für mich ist deine Art und Weise , wie du arbeitest großartig !

      dieses Kunststück zu sehen bezaubert u. verzaubert zugleich

      Ich fühle mich einfach sehr wohl bei diesem Anblick ........
                Gold für ein prächtiges Gemälde