<br />
Be sure to check out the video on youtube:<br />
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTUVSzkBYjIYOUTUBE LINK<br />
<br />
or the big report on Massive Voodoo:<br />
http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.com/2013/11/gius-robot-repairs-finished.htmlMV LINK<br />
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I hope you enjoy it!<br />
Dirk R.
Great idea - wonderful small details - I love it !!!John "Darkmessiah" Harrison
Was fantastic to see the dio at Monte, it really is a cracking piece of work!Peter 'Avicenna' Bell
genius!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
EVOLUTION. my criticism, if you accept it. I think the idea is fucking cool. the execution is really good. the combo between technology and artcraft. what it represent..everything is AMAZING. and you are a clever mini genius. BUT... doing with robots it a bit cheesy. in my opinion. if you did it the same but with something more personal would be PERFECt..because for me. the robot environment is in a lower level compare with the idea behind. however it looks really nice and it is funny, well executed and i love to see it like that.. but. just an opinion.i dont knwo if i explain myself properly. definitively this is a BEST of SHOW award, however RUsto's and joaquin's one was very well deserved. this one is a this level because of the complexity and the idea behind.. tough contest !!Karsten -Elaphus- Poepping
Absolut great idea, fantastic !Klaus Dorn
Where's the platin medal option???Winterland
Fantastic workThomas Wasch
A masterpiece that brings all together....art, creativity, joy...and the community. I had as much fun to look at the pics of the people pulling the trigger as like looking on the pics of the diorama. Wooohouu what a sentence.....hope you understand what i mean.Ekaitz Zárraga
This is great. This project mixes two of my passions... I love it... I don't know what to say... It makes people enjoy it like you enjoyed making it and that's is really awesome. This project excites me, it makes me happy... I can't explain it but... Just thank you for this.Artem Romanov
The best!Pavel 'Dakan' Michal
masterpiece!!!Dirk "Barakwolf" Seidel
Brilliani idea and fantastic workMax RichieroPLUS
GREAT!!! :)David Soper "Sproket"
This piece is wonderful in every way!Milosh Meehan
incredible details! I love it very much!!BerenMiniatura
definitively, awasome! Congrats!Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)
A new milestone! Congratulations! A very cool idea and again a great realisation of your idea!Phil aka Tuskar
I knew something really awesome was coming as you showed us the tiny little radio at the SMC. What a lot of lovely details - this is one of your best. Absolutely Piccalicious :)Archontis Kitsios
The coolest ever!Michael Mandau
Best. Diorama. Ever.Michael Mandau
Best. Diorama. Ever.bendy spoon
Great to see boundaries pushed in this hobby. Super cool idea and executed with style. Brilliant work.Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS
no word to describe what kind of genius there is under this piece! i have the honor to see this in real life! now our "art" changes again ;) thank you mate!TOM Gagel
Outstanding! Like real! Great!Alex ✍
Fantastic idea and execution!Sebastian Schubert
Two words crazy geniusDaniel
Always forgot to comment on this. It is by far the coolest thing i ever saw in terms of miniature painting. You nailed what your intention was: to maka an outstanding piece aside from the normal gore galore. :) 10 Thumbs up!Aleksandra Cvetanovski
Oh ^^ I remember this project, amazing idea, amazing painjob and amazing work. Beautiful :)John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
one of the best works EVER in miniature painting. Platinum by meGECKOWORKS
this is great!Martin Lavat
Absolut perfection! Best Diorama ever !Herman aka Glitterwolf
That's just amazing!Anton Santoso
Amazing Work !!! Love it.Fernando Noda
Amazing detailsChris / g0rb
Wow! Gold!Thomas "1967er" Froese
Even after 6 Years I can't get enough of this superb piece of art. Every time I look at it, I discover new details. Just love it!fabrizio1969PLUS
BellissimoMartin Collier
i love this great idear done verywellHolger SchwarzPLUS
Eine unglaublich schöne Geschichte - eigentlich zu schön um wahr zu sein ! Es ist nur herrlich !!! Ich kenne dieses Gefühl , wenn ein so zeitintensives Projekt zu Ende gebracht ist : Das ist die so schönste Erleichterung und es braucht Zeit ,bis es einem selbst wahr wird . Ich freue mich , das ich das sehen darf Die besten Grüße Holger