Hi there, long time no see!
Been away from screens for a while, but not from painting :) Here is my latest painting, Anubis from Kimera models, a very cool interpretation of this egyptian god. Been following the tutorial by Francesco Farabi for the gold nmm, was my first time trying gold NMM so hope you'll like it! Tried to make my own version out of the boxart and the few versions I had seen on the web.
Thanks for watching!

PS/ Tried to include a grey background on one of the pictures to give another view with a more neutral background color.
  • girlpainter57

    gold for the gold

  • Rhiana, "Cyradis"

    I like it, but I think your photos may be doing it a disservice. Seems like your lighting for the photos is strongly “from above”, making areas at the top over-exposed and whitened, while shadowed areas are by actual shadows and hard to see what the painting is. I totally get that photo set ups can be a pain in the rear - I struggle too! It seems like you put a lot of hard work into this :) From the back panel it seems like your gold NMM is going well!!

    • Pierre Balmette

      Thank you for this constructive comment. This piece in particular was hard to deal with, many parts are casting shadows on the body with all the settings I’ve tried. The light source used here is an horizontal lamp set not zenithal but closer to 45° from above (hope its understandable… Im not english fluent)

    • Rhiana, "Cyradis"

      I can imagine - he’s in a pose that can cause a lot of shadows for sure. I think I know what you mean on the lighting; I end up having similar problems. If there is a somewhat cloudy day, general daylight with clouds can sometimes help me. The clouds help prevent the direct light source trouble.
      Your painting is solid. Looking forward to seeing more of your pieces :)

    • Pierre Balmette

      I’ll retry to take better pics when I have the time. Cloudy day pics doesnt work for me with the camera I have, colors seems too greyish somehow. Never tried it with a mini though, I’ll give it a shot. Thanks !

  • davidg100

    Great work !

  • Evgeny Golubev

    Beau travail! Or! Et les ombres pourraient être atténuées en mettant un écran, ou une faible source de lumière.

    • Pierre Balmette

      Merci pour l’idée et le vote Evgeny!!

  • Bran

    Belle réalisation comme toujours avec toi Pierre,  les prises de vues ne rendent sans doute pas toute la beauté de ta peinture ....

  • Sergey Cheremshantsev


  • Ale Moro

    Gold! :)

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Jolie pièce et très belle peinture, Pierre. C’est vrai que les photos paraissent un peu trop contrastées, mais je suis vraiment trop mal placé pour critiquer sur ce point. Encore une superbe réalisation à ton actif. Or, bien entendu !

    • Pierre Balmette

      Merci beaucoup Éric, effectivement la prise de vue fut complexe !

  • fabrizio1969PLUS

    Very nice,gold

  • WojciechBober72


  • Franky2PLUS
