Elden Ring motivated me to come back for this little guy (who I left when burnt out due to tough nmm and osl at least for my humble level) and finish it.
This paintjob was definitely a roller-coaster of emotion: loved the beginning, then all the lights and osl killed me inside and I eventually managed to win this inner fight. A bit like the Souls games so I guess it's kind of meta !
I am delighted with the result and I think it's by far my most technical paint to date.
Special thanks to Tamer from 'Meth of Cooking Art' and Natalia Oracz for their feedback and support and the usual discord crew for their precious help. I'm lucky to have you all around me.
The model is from the very talented Alexei Konev
I was asked more angles and photos on my last post so I hope it's fine !
Vitaly Lapshin
ЗолотоMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Gold, what else?Guillaume "Skas" Masselot
Thanks Ivan !CyAniDe
Really worth fighting till the end. The NMM turned out fantastic. Great reflections and very sharp and clean. Also love the dark mood and the contrast these dark shadows provide. Gold and fav.Guillaume "Skas" Masselot
Wow thanks a lot for your kind words I'm humbled !TimPLUS
That’s some cracking NMM! I really like the blue, almost glowing sword highlights! GoldGuillaume "Skas" Masselot
Thanks a lot ! Wanted to give it a metal look but not the same as the armor and went for very blue metal and I'm glad you like it !Rhiana, "Cyradis"
The soft light of the candles on the leg armor is soooo good!Guillaume "Skas" Masselot
Thanks Cyradis !Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov
GoldGuillaume "Skas" Masselot
Thank you very much Alexander, appreciate it :)eric wolfsPLUS
Great painting, NMM seems perfect ! Gold, of course.Guillaume "Skas" Masselot
Thanks a lot EricEamon Connerty
Wonderful work! Gold!Guillaume "Skas" Masselot
Thanks a lot Eamon, I'm happy you like it !davidg100
The lights on the NMM are awesome ! GoldGuillaume "Skas" Masselot
Thanks a lot David :)Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"
muy bonito, oro!!!John Delamere
Beautiful!Flo « FFF » Rochet
Gold for sure!Bloodblade_miniatures
Just only gold !!!!Holger SchwarzPLUS
Absolutly great painting ! Gold for you and m congrats