Here is my latest project ! It's the first time I've done such a vertical decoration with a tree, and this little handmade brick wall! It's far from perfect but everything has to start somewhere :)
Honestly, this project was very cool because the mini is both small and simple (so you don't get bored doing the same thing for a long time) but at the same time it's really diversified. I was able to play with various NMMs, I had the opportunity to freehand the kilt (another first :D) as well as the fur, the fabric, etc... Very complete!
I hope you like it :)
Vitaly Lapshin
ЗолотоGuillaume "Skas" Masselot
Thx Vitaly !Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
gold from meGuillaume "Skas" Masselot
Thx a lot Ivan as always <3Rhiana, "Cyradis"
Gosh darn adorable! He's a right fine Scottish Puss-in-Boots :)Guillaume "Skas" Masselot
Haha thanks Rhiana ! He's indeed a fur-midable opponent !Flo « FFF » Rochet
Le plus jolie chat avec un kilt que je n’ai jamais vu !Guillaume "Skas" Masselot
Maintenant que tu le dis... :DCyAniDe
Great job on the eyes and the blade. He's a really cute guy :)Guillaume "Skas" Masselot
Thx Cyanide !eric wolfsPLUS
Belle peinture ! Ce chat est très expressif. OrGuillaume "Skas" Masselot
Merci Eric !Sandro Zinzeri
Beau travail ! Gold !Guillaume "Skas" Masselot
Merci !guardito.matt
Fantastic project! I especially loved the composition and the mouth and the face of the cat! Also the NMM is good! Congrats!Guillaume "Skas" Masselot
Thanks you're too kind :)Sagumo
Freeeeeeedom!!!!vincenzo gambinoPLUS
nice ... gold :)Bloodblade_miniatures
GOOD JOB !!!!!