latest completed
I had a lot of fun with this bust.
I tried a different NMM. I don't know if it's NMM or not.
I just wanted to reflect some trees, sky, clouds, and fire.
But I forgot that the arm would block the breastplate. embarrassment
Anyway, I enjoyed it

Darkness and fire are about to consume the sun.
I will take up my sword and wear my armor,
I will become a very hard iron heart.
I will fight this fire and darkness, and I will bring hope.

Hope you like it.

Bust from: Bigchild
Sculpture: Hugo Gómez
  • Francois "Frado" Daugny

    Extremely well done NMM! Gold!!

  • Archigrog

    Truly nice, gold!

  • Huby

    beautiful, gold

  • John Delamere

    Brilliant work!

  • Alfonso Ciattini


  • JakeyZH

    Very nice paint, absolutely GOLD for me!

    • Alex Zheng


  • QZXC

    • Alex Zheng


  • Mr. Gan


    • Alex Zheng


  • painting player

    Looks great and I love the background introduction. it’s gold to me

  • davidg100

    Fantastic version that would deserves best picture quality and closeups
    Gold anyway