My latest work
Unlike before, this work is more serious.
First time trying to paint a 40K character, tried black armor.
And explores a small part of the huge backstory. very interesting.
Hope you like it.

At the same time, I would like to thank my friends for giving me this opportunity to complete this work.
  • Eduardo Garcia Lope


  • TimPLUS

    You nailed the armour mate, the bounce lights in particular are really nice. I’m not the biggest fan of GW in the world but I love seeing all these larger scale sculpts of their works. Makes me want to paint them! Gold

    • Alex Zheng

      I’m glad you like it.

  • fabrizio1969PLUS


  • Francois "Frado" Daugny

    Very impressive painting of black parts, with appropriate reflections and weathering. I love also the way the base and the character blend together. Really a great piece. Gold!!

    • Alex Zheng

      It was a serious and boring attempt. So I added dots of jumping colors.  THANKS.

  • Roberto Sirchia

    great work on her! gold ;)

  • CyAniDe

    Fantastic paintjob. Love the armor and the face.  Gold + fav.
    Where is that mini from?

    • Alex Zheng

      Thank you .mini is custom made by my friend. If you are interested I can share his FB or INS to you. Maybe he still has a copy.

  • OrigalumPLUS

    Fantastic clean and detailed work! Soft highlights and shadows. Only gold!

  • painting player

    Clean paint
    I’m a Warhammer fan, so gold

  • John Delamere


  • Marco "BigBlackBear" Orselli

    Love her m8!!!

  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS

    gold :)