this was my single 40K entry at last Golden Demon UK 2022

...what a show...really impressive!

the idea was born some years ago, but I didn't had time to go on because it was a personal project, and I always give more time to commissions. But, I had 10 days to finish it before GD, so I decide to make the crazy race even if I know some interruptions during that period!
at the end, I made it...and if you like it it's my personal biggest award!!

if you want to scroll my ig account, @rusto_art you will find some early steps...and more ;)

I had a lot of fun in conversion as to paint it, I made what I like to do about that, aware of IP risk!
I always have that kind of problem in my kitbashing, because I only search for style and lines and I don't care too much about IP, and I never had the stress to paint in a different style from my side. my sensation is what I want to show with my paint!

this butterfly is a personal project so, here is what I love to do in miniature
I hope is understandable

comments and votes are always welcome! CIAO...