Today I want to share my favourite picture of my Sakura flower Samurai, sculpted by the mighty boss and my friend @zabaart_ This was his first release and what a miniature this was. Elegant and yet full of story and character.
Lately, I've been in a painting slump. I worked on my first 75mm minis and they kinda kicked my ass and I did not get the results I wanted. But that is a part of the learning curve. With Tonga, I tried oils and flesh for the first time and with Cyborg Samurai I tried freehand and textures with a combination of oils and acrylics.
It was a good experience which showed me two things: one, freehand is super hard to look good and two, freehand is super fun and not that hard to paint.
I really enjoyed painting the textures on the skirt. Stippling it and glazing is relaxing and I will try to do more of it in the future. Textures of the wood were supposed to be rough so I did them quickly. But where I struggled was the head and the glassy helmet. I had no idea how to paint and hope that once I can go back and repair it.
The mini was fun to paint even though I did not fill my expectations. So it is time to move on.
Thanks and take care,
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
goldvincenzo gambinoPLUS
goldIldar "Ivy" Valishin
I have now come up with the idea of converting a girl with an earring in the style of cyberpunk!!!! Thank!