Hello painters,
Today I want to share my Crimson Trader Jahb produced by Abyssoul . It is a lovely small bust, with a lot of character and story. I loved the sculpt and bought it at #WME2022 and decided to paint it for Monte Sa#2022The painting was a joy. I took a lot of inspiration from version of Dario Colasanti who done stupendous job on it and I tried to replicate some of the colours. Unfornutately, it did not pan out as good as I would have liked but due to the time I spent on it (around 20 hours) I think it is fine. At the beginning, I tried to paint it only with a zorn pallete but I decided that I need more colours in the end to pop some of the yellows more for the gold. This in itself was a great exercise and I will go back to it because I think that it has a real potential for playing with colours, textures and volumes. Limited pallet is also a lot of fun.

It was also a mini, which showed me the importance of quality basecoat and that I cannot underestimate it and need to do it better. Overall I am pleased with the mini and I am happy that the background makes my Jahb a more unique.

Thanks to @zabaart_ for his inquiries and help through the project and if you want to paint it check out Abbysoul and their wonderful range of miniatures!

Happy painting guys!