Painted with the new "metal and alchemy"paint set. The best metallic paints i have used since the never forgotten citadel metallic paints. Now that those ones had been discontinued , you have the chance of getting those new colours. you will be plenty satisfied. trust me, this is not advertising. those colours have been designed to use the metallic and alchemy colours with brush and airbrush . the pigment is absolutely thin, and you can use them in several ways. so soon we will show you some new ways of using metalic for purposes that you have never imagined. keep an eye on my facebook and scale 75. you will be very suprised
flesh and hair has been painted with metallic colours in the mixture. i will explain it in a few days in a short tutorial.
check more pictures on my Painting album.
What a way to get back into painting eh? ;) Lovely model all round, I really like the textures and the metals came out great!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
thanks axel. i was a bit afraid but after this i will paint free again. the first day was a bit confusing because i felt veruy clumsy with the brush. jejejejMatteo Murelli "Mù"
Awsom metal Alfonso expecially on the handguardsAlfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
thanks matteo. :)Archontis Kitsios
Excellent comeback!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
:)Roman LappatPLUS
Grande!! Do like the metallics and the effect how they are painted, but love the face even more! Looking forward to your explanations about using metallic colours in the skintone, this sounds weird at first so I am really looking forward to it ...Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
i will do an explanation video ina few days. and if yteher are any doubts i acn do a small step by step. thanks roman. i love you. jejejedanielpaf
Me encanta! en espera de ver esas técnicas con metal! saludosAlfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
gracias tio!Enrique Velasco - emuse
welcome back!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
gracias kikWinterland
Great workAlfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
thanksDavid "Karaikal" Rodriguez
Metallics in the skintone mix...? That is innovative! Looking forward for the tutorial. Alfon, bienvenido de vuelta :-)Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
i will do a step by step video asap. maybe i can give you some ideas that you will like a lot he have been developing many ways of combining the metal and alchemy colours with some others gracias deivid. acostumbrandome poco a poco <:). un abrazo!Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS
well come back my friend! this is simply the best painting i see for a long time. i love all your brushstrokes! you are always an inspiration!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
thanks francesco. i am glad to hear that you like it.. to me is not a special painting. i would like to do more extreme artworks. but this must be more "classic" so. it is fine. i didnt expect that people would like it that much.l so i am happy. big embrace my friend!BerenMiniatura
Ahora que la he visto en mano... sólo puedo decir, que para mi es tu figura más completa. Me flipa sobre todo la piel y el pelo. El pelo canoso es buenísimo. La armonía de colores es tremenda...Ben Baird
Hey Banshee, have you produced this tutorial yet? If so, where can I find this?Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
they were not interested. they considere it i will do my own. as soon as i have a surfce that deserves this kind of painting.