A Wizard is never late
A Wizard is never late
A Wizard is never late
Hey folks, this is my latest piece. Tbh life is…difficult right now. So I wanted to do a piece for GD that wasn’t war, tension, anger, etc. I wanted something that was serene. So I turned to lord of the rings and to a happy peaceful time there before their lives were turned upside by war and grief. Bilbo’s 111th birthday and the arrival of an old friend. A joyful time as Gandalf return to see an old friend. Neither being late or early, just precisely on time. Is this my best work? No. Is it something different? No. But hopefully it can take people back to a serene quiet time of happiness even if just for a moment or two. And if that happens then it’s successful. Thank you for reading and in the full sense of Roman’s phrase “happy painting”. <br />

Thank you to Alfonso and Ben for their help and guidance. The figure is from the lotr set from gamesworkshop. I did some conversion work on Gandalf, adding in reins for the horse, fireworks based off the movie in the cart, a small lantern on the cart, and a pipe for him. The scene is mainly constructed of plastic card, items from greenstuff world and from honourguard’s basing kit. I hope you enjoy.
  • OrigalumPLUS

    Amazing! This is real Shire!
  • João Grivot_Daedalus

    Great!! Thank you, for the scene, full of peace and beauty!! Wonderfull result with the sensation of profundide!!! Gold!!
  • giovannivassena

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    Love this ! gold and editor's from me !
  • John Delamere

    Very cool!
  • Andy Ford

    This is beautiful!
  • ohtek

  • Jakob V

    Just perfect. Editor’s
  • RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo

    It's beautiful
  • Africa Mir

  • Steve Garcia

    Awesome work brother!
  • Maxim Manukovsky

    Amazing, gold!
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    funny and poetic ! Great job, gold
  • MartinSporka

    You perfectly catch the ambience of the moment! Great job!
  • MarcPLUS

    Fantastic !!!
  • Mariano del Olmo

    Chris, this is amazing. Wonderful vignette, so colorful. It really brings you back to the LOFRs. Gold! Best, Mariano
  • fabrizio1969PLUS

    fantastic, whath pieces you use?