I finished the little chameleon skink. He was actually meant as a little in between palette cleanser, but he turned into a bit more than that. I wanted to practice some orange and have some fun and then when the pattern started to take shape I fell in love with the colors. So I turned him into a full practice exercise in blending as smooth as possible, painting orange and creating a small bit of resin water.
I'm very happy with the result, he was alot of fun and the blending went alot better than I expected.
The one thing I dislike the most is the plinth. I apparently got damaged when I made the resin water. I sanded it and it looked ok, but once I applied the black paint it turned out it was noticable through the paint. Unfortunately, the mini was already on there before I painted the black so it was a bit too late... That's another lesson learned though and something I'm gonna pay alot more attention to in the future!
  • OrigalumPLUS

    Good and colorful ) Gold

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    great job, gold!

  • Ste66


  • d3dgarage

    nicely colours composition, gold

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    great painting. Gold

  • Coltau

    Gold! :)

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    This turned out beautfiully. If you would not have said anything about the water I would have not seen it on these photos. I actually had to search for the edge of the black base to find it. I enjoyed looking at the great painting and colors of the skink more. Wonderful!

  • David_cualquiera

    Very nice, also resin can be a really pain in the back, I tried to avoid it as much as I can but looks really well. Cheers

    • Miriam Kleijn

      Thanks! Yes, it’s really difficult to work with! But, lesson learned for a next time at least

  • Steve Garcia

    Excellent work, congrats!

  • Eamon Connerty

    Very nice work! I also had a hard time with getting that area of the epoxy smooth on my projects. Yours looks good and doesn’t take away from the piece.

    • Miriam Kleijn

      Thank you so much! It’s difficult stuff to work with for sure, but gonna keep experimenting

  • joseluiscabrera


  • terrible_work_

    Stunningly lovely. Gold, Mir.

  • ohtekPLUS
