In this case I wanted to make something with a lot of water, never used it, but wanted to try it!! And based on one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, where the Black Pearl fights another boat inside a maelstrom, I tryed to create a really dynamic diorama where the ships are fighting...not against each other anymore but for their lifes trying to scape from The Maelstrom.
I would like to make it bigger, but as I wanted to present it in the UK Golden Demon, I needed to adjust it to the maximum baggage size for the plane hehehe.
Although now in perspective I would make some things different, I am very happy and proud of the final result :D
Feel free to comment whatever you want! :)
Peter 'Avicenna' Bell
One of my favourites from the UK GD - I hadn't realised it was yours ;) Superb work! The water is especially effective - thank you for sharingNeil Szabo AKA "Zab"
Very atmospheric. I think you nailed it, because I saw it and thought of the pirates movie right away!Roman LappatPLUS
I love it!Karsten -Elaphus- Poepping
Great work !!!Felix
Great Idea! great Execution! Congrats!Javier González; "Arsies"
De lo más chulo y original que he visto los últimos años. Me mola que busques un enfoque original y diferente siempre. Paloji crack!Pablo López - paloji
Gracias a todos por los comentarios!! :) Thanks to all of you for your comments!! :)Lee Hebblethwaite (10 ball)
Love thisDirk "Barakwolf" Seidel
Great scene. I love it.Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
tu mejor trabajo. genial