Abel bust from Kimera.

This is actually the first bust I ever started painting, around 2 years ago. The amount of NMM needed got a little overwhelming at the time - especially on the wings with all the subtle shapes along with flat areas - so after getting the torso armour sketched I put him to one side with the intention of returning when I felt more comfortable to finish him.

The other week I saw him on the shelf and got the urge to resume, so back to the painting table he went. I wanted to do something a bit different rather than just continue the armour the way I'd begun before so I grabbed a few paints and started using the armour and wings to sketch a scene.

It's the first time I've tried anything like this but I'm quite happy with the result. It's pretty much what I had in my mind when I sat down and started painting over my previous work, and definitely something different for me.

Abel may not be my first finished bust but I'm happy to finally call my first started bust done :)
  • OrigalumPLUS

    It’s very difficult bust for painting NMM, so at least you have my vote for courage! Wings in my opinion have too detailed reflection of the environment that is possible with polished metal or glass but at the same time too rough to be perceived as a chrome so it makes some sort of dissonance. But anyway I like how it looks.

    • Chris "Thor" B

      Thanks for the feedback :) Definitely something I’ll look to improve on if I try a similar approach again.

  • Majesty

    It’s a fancy color

  • Tommy Gunn

    Castle scene on the front and mountain scene on the rear.  Good concept.

  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Gold for this very fine work ! My congrats

  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Great job! Gold!