this is a special project for me - a slight diversion from my usual historical stuff. I painted it for a little miniature exchange with "MaGie" Giesbers. I have always been a great fan and admirer of Maartje's wonderfully lively, colorful and clean paintjobs, so I was super-happy when she agreed to do a little mini swap with me.<br />
At first, it took me a little to find the perfect miniature for the swap, but since her preference for painting strong female miniatures is well established (well, she even wrote a chapter on that...), it was clear to me that it needed to look for a nice - and ideally playful - female sculpt. Add in that Maartje is a PhD-carrying marine biologist, and voilá: the idea to build a little scene of a female Deep One (Lovecraftian humanoid dwellers of the seas) taking a leisurely walk at the beach was born. <br />
I am super-happy to report that Maartje liked the mini! :-)<br />
The miniature is from the Fantasy Pin-up line by Artizan Guild and was slightly resculpted and printed by my Massive Voodoo jungle brother Pics taken by Maartje.
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
great job for such a tiny miniDavid KuehnPLUS
Thanks a lot, Ivan!Patrice-VincentPLUS
Magnifiques peinture et mise en scène. En plus, au vu de tes autres figurines, voilà bien une collection qui, en plus d'être superbe, ne prend pas beaucoup de place. OrDavid KuehnPLUS
Merci beaucoup, Patrice! Content que tu aimes ça.Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
GoldDavid KuehnPLUS
Danke Dir!Dirk R.
Sehr originelle Figur und eine außergewhönliche Bemalung - gefällt mir !David KuehnPLUS
Vielen Dank, lieber Dirk! Schön, dass sie Dir gefällt. Hoffe, es geht Dir gut!Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov
Wonderful! Gold!David KuehnPLUS
Thanks, Alexander! Glad you like my stuff :-DMaartje "MaGie" Giesbers
She's incredibly beautiful, and I'm super lucky to have her in my cabinet. Thank you for your kind words, all the thought that went into creating this piece means so much to me :) Without holding the mini in your hands, it's difficult to grasp just how small she is. Considering the scale, it makes your paintjob even more impressive! Great work, as always!David KuehnPLUS
Thanks so much, Maartje! I very happy that you like the project - it was GREAT fun doing this! :-) And thanks also for your fantastic little interpretation of Hasslefrisian excellence! ;-)Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Lovely work all over David :) Incredible how well you managed to represent the beach on the square cm!David KuehnPLUS
Thanks so much, Martin! Always happy to hear your praise! Hope all is brilliant! :-)Roman LappatPLUS
Really impressive on this scale and a perfect match for an exchange figure with Maartje! Lovely work my friend!David KuehnPLUS
Thanks, my friend! I am happy you like it and also find it a good fit as an exchange mini! :)Andreas P - HanzPetersen
Super cool project my dear!