One of two small busts I did between SMC and Monte. A very simple little pice, just wanted to use the deadline as a motivator to get some finished as I hadn't done any painting for the first 9 1/2 months of the year. The sculpting of the hair volumes allowed for some fun texture painting.
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Gilded!Conrad Mynett
ThanksFabrizio SchiragaPLUS
GoldConrad Mynett
Good painting. Gold!Conrad Mynett
Cool skintone !!Conrad Mynett
Thanks, took a while to get thereSteph.DPLUS
GoldConrad Mynett
TaVitaly Lapshin
ЗолотоConrad Mynett
TaRoman LappatPLUS
A lovely, little piece, Conrad!Conrad Mynett
Thanks Roman