my first bust sculpture after a long time sculpting just 28-32mm I had to do a bust for scale75 as a tribute of the abbysal warlord done a few years ago that is a mini that a lot of people has painted in many different ways. i thought it could be a good nice to see how many different versions people can show . the original minature was masterfully sculpted by Mr. Latorre.. so i had the challenge to try to achieve the evil looking but in a big size.. as i don't have much idea of sculpting bust and the sizes.. I started directly and it became huge! . I spent too much time sculpting because of my lack of knowledge doing the sculpting that when i finished i only had 4 days to paint, so however the original painting that I imagined in my brain doing the sculpting was completely different than this one. As I only had a few days to paint such a big bust, I decided to go to a more intense painting, more focused on the effect and the first sight, rather than building a more complex painting with a better controled mood.. so i went to a quick and very intense painting to try the new scale75 INKTENSTY colour range... I was really pleased with the result of those colours, very versatile and easy to apply. to Take pictures of it, was a nightmare because as is painted in real metallic mixed with non metallic, satin and matt..searching for strange effect like a sea shell..some colours vary depending on where you put the light focus. I went crazy. i will do an article soon in a magazine.
  • Jason Zhou

    Really amazing!! Look forward to seeing your article to learn more about this great bust.

  • Alex ✍

    Wow, just wow. I have always admired your work but this is really something special. Sculpting and painting at almost the same level. Big congrats!

    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      thanks mate. it was a big challenge and very funny to do.. i learnt many things because i had to resolve a lot of troubles during the sculpting.. the first one that i sculpted it without anything when i cut it.. it was like an egg..a real nightmare to do all the fittings again… pfff..

  • David "Karaikal" Rodriguez

    Eres muy bueno, Alfon. ;-)
    A ver si un día me paso por Scale y me la muestras en mano.
    Un abrazo!

    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      snif snif… gracias deivid. me llega a la patata, en serio :). cuando gustes. otro pa ti!

  • Krzysztof "REDAV" Kobalczyk

    I think that you have done a grate job with this bust. The sculpt is awesome and the paintjob is to. You wrote that you did not have much time to paint it right but in my opinion the metallic’s are very cool. I have problems with painting metallic’s and I want to learn more about them so watching such works I can learn much. I wanted to ask you are the INKTENSTY paints mat or gloss ??. Ah and I would appreciate if you will look at my works and say me what do you think of course if you have time. THX

    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      thanks mate. inktensity are gloss by themselves, but mixed with matt colours you can achieve a gradient of different intensities from almost matt to satin and pure glossy. thats how they work. i encourage you to try them mixee to boost your mixtures. also they work perfectly with metal and alquemy. they are lovely inks. designed to be the real substitute to the old citadel range. i use inks everywhere!. thanks for the comment i am glad that you like it!.

  • Winterland

    Impresionante, escultura y pintura, buen trabajo

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Man, this guy looks like I would after a horrible accident with my bike ... just the sculpt. Really cool sculpt and the painting is not from this planet my friend!

  • LeBeN

    The metal is really impressive about this bust! The scupture is top too!

  • PierreYves"LordB"Geneste

    Can’t wait any longer to get this bust!!! Truely inspirational!!!...

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    It is curious how i get all golds and 3 bronzes and the rating is like that. It seems very easy to push down the pieces.. fortunately we are too old for this shit.. ;).  Is this the fair play of this website or we are maybe coolminiorizing?. Thanks for the comments guys. The rating doesnt matter. The intention yes. Maybe we should do all the same. At least is possible yo see who is behind the intentions and This is a small world. A rotten world. Why you didnt comment guys?. At least explain your judging.. Could be interesting to read it.

    • BerenMiniatura

      jejeje… welcome to the Real World… yo también he tenido sorpresas muy curiosas…. ;) algún día las compartimos.

      La figura IMPRESIONANTE, pintura y escultura, y más después de verla en mano en Torrent.

      Felicidades, ORO, sin duda…

  • Pepa Saavedra

    Antes que nada: no te ralles Alfonso ;-) Este tipo de cosas no es la primera vez que te pasan….aunque siguen sorprendiendo.
    Una vez dicho esto, por si te sirve mi opinión, no es nada fácil jugar con los distintos tipos de acabados y efectos sin que parezca algo artificial, en este caso el resultado es totalmente creíble. Y el objetivo de que pareciese una concha irisada está conseguido. Sobre la escultura….pues considero que está al nivel de la pintura, y eso ya es decir mucho…...sin embargo…..el concepto no me atrae, la figura en si no me gustaba demasiado y el busto, pues tampoco (pero qué voy a saber yo que solo pinto tías XD).
    Esto ya es una simple cuestión de gustos y no le quita ningún mérito ni a la escultura ni a la pintura, que pienso que son de primer orden, sin duda. Oro.
    PD: espero ese articulo, me pillé las tintas y los metalizados alkemy este finde pasado… los he probado aun ;-)

    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      no si lo que no me salen son las cuentas.. 40 votos. 37 oros, 3 bronces… plata… no lo entiendo muy bien. y de una pagina q se postula como seria como una hecha por artistas para artistas, con un alto porcentaje de profesionales a los que se les presupone un criterio y una capacidad para opinar y hacer critica.. me sorprende.. y me soprende como funcioan esta pagina. porque se supone que e sla alternativa al cachondeo de coolmini.  quizas nod eberia pero me sigue sorprendiendo la mala intencion de la gente..y mas de gente que no conozco personalmente ni tengo nada con ellos.y yo he votado bronces y props. pero soy capaz de argumentarlo y muchas veces lo he hecho.

    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      de base, si veo algo que yo no puedo hacer, ya sea en pintura o en escultura, lo valoro en su medida. y una pieza , en esta pagina, la valoro por si sola pero tambien en contraste con las demas de la galeria del autor… con lo facil que seria ser critico con uno mismo y valorar el trabajo ajeno con justicia independientemente de lo bien o mal que te caiga el artista en cuestion..pero bueno, que no pasa nada. alla cada cual con sigo mismo. me alegra q te mole el efecto concha. un besito. y aupa atleti! en la final de champions! q dia mas feliz!

  • Cristian Sanchez Miralles (Kai)

    Ale te la subi a oro no te rayes tio la mini es un pollon y tarde o temprano me la comprare.

  • Diego Esteban "dieguetestudio"

    Simplemente me encanta, y quién no tenga ojos para ver que esta pieza tiene carácter y talento tendría que comprarse unas buenas gafas.

  • Jonatan Gil - ElinhirPLUS

    Brutal…todo muy estudiado hasta el minimo detalle. Uno de los bustos que me da respeto para pintar. Brillante Alfonso.

  • Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)

    Fantastic bust! I love this face, anger and torment in one expression.