The Gardens of Nurgle - 2024
Work: basing, conversion, painting, concept art, art direction
Scale: 28mm. Games Workshop

For those who do not know:
Nurgle in the Warhammer and Warhammer 40k Universe is one of four Chaos gods. Nurgle is the god of rot, decay, plague and blossom. Nasty stuff, but somehow also cute and funny if you look at the little demons, called Nurglings. Everything rots in Nurgles' way, gets resistent and strong. From humans to Space Marines and demons. All of them carry Papa Nurgle's gifts.

I really enjoyed the wild chaotic nature of this diorama, even it took me quite a long time. Felt like a Marathon of rot and decay, where I dived deeper and deeper in wounds and uglyness. Hope you like it!

Attached you can see photos on grey background, plus size comparision to a bottle of paint and one with my hand, plus a photo in the cabinet beside other framed dioramas to provide a true sense of how the diorama looks. You can find a lot of Work in Progress and explanation material on this bust via my Patreon. Link below!

There will be a full eBook and Artprints on etsy in the future. Stay tuned.

Keep on happy painting!

You can follow my work here!

  • girlpainter57

    captivating, bringing an image of the night watch to my mind. masterful in concept and design

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you very much for your kind words! I am happy you like this diorama of mine!

  • Tommy Gunn

    Lots of strange little guys.  Thanks for the explanation, too.

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      I thought it might be good to explain a bit what is going on here :D ... thanks for the feedback! Glad you like it!

  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Das finde ich unglaublich Roman . So ein aufwendig inszeniertes Schauspiel und Feuerwerk der Farben ! Das bedarf sehr genaue und aufmerksame Betrachtung .
    Eine gewisse eindringlichkeit in die Tiefe des raumes auch .
      Sehr beeindruckend ..............Beste Grüße

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Vielen, lieben Dank für deine netten Worte, Holger!

  • Vincenzo "Miniature's Den" Celeste

    Love the amount of stuff to look for, it’s like a “real” painting, lots of things to observe. Love it

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks so much, Vincenzo! I am glad you see the real painting aspect. That was what I wanted to achieve. Superhappy to hear that!

  • David KuehnPLUS

    Beautiful, complex, chaotic, colorful, intense and full of energy. Those are my first six, random thoughts when I see these pics. I cannot wait to see that one live and in person - there’s just so much going on and I am sure the pics cannot hope to do all that justice!

    Great and inspiring work, brother!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks a lot, David. I know it is a wild thing, this diorama. It is chaotic as it includes Chaos and I bet it is hard to take if you are not really in the 40k lore. Still, I am grateful that you take it for what it is and I am really happy you like it!

  • OrigalumPLUS

    Cool breaking of the 4-th wall!

  • EAZY

    amazing work with color, it’s incredible! I couldn’t cope with so many details!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you, Sir! I can tell that I am dead tired from details after such a project :D

  • David Powell

    That is one epic Nurgle scene! I love how it’s so full the nurglings are spilling out of the frame. What a great detail

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you; David! Always happy to read your comments. Glad you like this piece!

  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Lieber Roman , ich habe eine bitte . So lange bin ich noch nicht in der Figurenmalerei und suche immer noch nach geeigneten ,auch besseren pinseln .
    Kannst du mir bitte Marken - stärke für Öl Pinsel empfehlen ?
      Dafür wäre ich Dir sehr dankbar , denn wenn sich einer damit auskennt ,
      dann nehme ich an das Du das bist .

    Herzliche Grüße Holger

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Lieber Holger,
      leider kenne ich mich da gar nicht aus. Ich male 0,8% mit Ölfarben, sonst nur mit Acrlyfarben. Ich finde auch Pinsel sind etwas sehr individuelles und jeder Maler findet da sein Ding was zu ihm passt. Ich male derzeit viel mit den Greenline Pinseln von PK-Pro, aber ob diese Dir und deinen Zwecken zusagen, weiß ich nicht.

    • Holger SchwarzPLUS

      Vielen Dank Roman , das Du die Zeit gefunden hast mir zu antworten . Erst einmal eine Empfehlung
      von Dir . Die werde ich mir anschauen und ja Pinsel sind was ganz eigenes - eine wissenschaft für sich
      Mir sind auch noch Die Serie Nr . 7 von Windsor & Newton eingefallen . Ich muß testen .
        Deine beiden links sind sehr interessant und hilfreich , die Du mir zugesendet hast . Auch Danke dafür

        Beste Grüße Holger und Dir viel Freude beim bemalen

  • Francesco ThauPLUS


  • danielenocella1964

    Incredible!!! Gold, obviously.

  • Mateu_RebPLUS


  • Arne WilkensPLUS

    As always a great piece of Art created by you. I really love the nurglings on the bottom of the frame - this interaction with the frame and the scene is a great detail!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Many thanks, Arne! Happy you like my creations!

  • MartinSporka

    True chaos in the frame :D, amazing amount of work you put in!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Seems like the “theme” is well presented. Glad you like it and let’s not speak about the time and work invested. My beard is grey after this. Now I can only turn white :D

  • spillbobaggins

    The master once again shows us how it’s done. Simply stupendous. Too many things to name a favorite but I’ll just call out how much I enjoy you playing with the medium of a “framed art piece” with the Nurglings breaking out of the frame at the bottom.

    An inspiration!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you for your kind words of compliments. Arigato!

  • Mrfoxx01

    Fantastic family photo ;p Love the idea and execution.

  • Adriano Martins

    amazing work, Gold !!!!

  • LEON-G

    It’s so rich

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Many, many thanks. Glad you like it!

  • TvbDenver

    it’s amazing how you bring to life the frame, it really feel like they are coming out for battle, what a wonderful work

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Arigato! Merci beaucoup! Really happy that you like it so much!

  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    I don’t know how many times I come back to discover all the small details. Roman this is an amazing piece for me.  I hope to see it in real life someday.

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks a lot, Marius. I hope to be able to show it to you in real one day then :)

  • Peter Lundström aka WitnessMyMinisPLUS

    I know I’ve said it before, but your framed pcs are just getting better and better, there is so much going on in this one, and somehow you pull it together and make it work so well, where it could have just as easily be a jumbled mess. You find composition and make me wanna keep looking closer.

  • TvbDenver

    amazing work as always, you are an ispiration