The Biggest and Baddest

Stl file by @brutefunminis

Grimgor has always been my favorite orc character, but the old GW mini wasn't giving the chills I was seeking. This one on the other hand went straight to the painting station as I was absolutly driven to create the Grimgor I've always wanted.

The plan was to make a Black, worn armour with a double lighting, the secondary creating a rimlight between the legs so It would bring more dynamic and violence to the overall.

I hope you'll like it as much as I do !
  • Max RichieroPLUS

    Wonderful. Gold!
    • Orckalte

      Thanks a lot ! :D
  • Painter-Dmitry

    Fun lighting, wonderful style and amazing textures
    • Orckalte

      Thank you very much !
  • rayuk_painterPLUS

    • Orckalte

      Thank you very much :)
  • Patrice-VincentPLUS

    Armure, cuir de l'étui du poignard, effet rougeoyant côté droit joliment restitué : beau travail. Or