The first impression I had to figure was that of a seasoned member of a primitive culture who lived in the jungle, as the last of his kind. Later that society crumble and temples and buildings were engulfed by weeds, the guardian custody the ruins.
I want to thank Diego and Toni for their advices during the proces! Thanks friends!
Hope you like it.
Roman LappatPLUS
My favourite version so far! Such a cool paintjob and the base is sooo lovely to him! Great work, Marc!mmasclans
Thanks roman! I appreciate very much your words. I am not 100% satisfied with the base, i would like to create more vegetation, but I am really happy you like it!Anders "Ritual" Eklund
Beautiful! I love this version! Was it difficult to put the miniature on a different base than the rock it comes with? Seeing as parts of that rock is integral to the sculpt (the feet).mmasclans
Thanks anders! It is the 'most complicated' part of the miniature but it was not as dificult at last.. according to the weight of the miniatute, I first set down the left rear leg and then the other. I put milliput on the 'rock' with some talcum and i let it dry. Then I cut some and integrate to the rest. The same with the front legs. Fortunately was easier than I expected..jaja thanks for your comment!Anders "Ritual" Eklund
Thanks for the reply! Cheers!José Manuel del Toro "Zwo"
Muy muy bonita Marc, estoy con los compañeros, para mi la mejor versión de esta figura :D . Creo que nada desentona sobre el resto, estando todo a un gran nivelAlfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
Te estas haciendo mayor.. ainssssMatthieu Roueche - "Blabla"
Love the way you paint this "big" miniature... nice paintjob!Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS
one of the best painting figure i saw in the fantasy of the WE. Great!!! just Great!!Diego Esteban "dieguetestudio"
Grande Masclans. Una pieza muy pero que muy buena, me encanta. I love itConrad Mynett
I definately agree with Roman, great painting and basing. I can understand wanting to add more vegitation to give a really overgrown jungle look, but I think the moss stained rocks and roots do the job well.mmasclans
I agree with you, at the end I think some more vegetation and more intention to the atmosphere would have been time I'll try to focus on that..Archontis Kitsios
Incredible. Excellent painting!mmasclans
Thanks for your words people, it is a great motivation to me that you like it. It is the first miniature I've painted for me this year, and hope is not going to be the last one..jejeBerenMiniatura
Grandisimo trabajo!Joan Carles Ros "RosmaN"
Impresionant nen, a veure si algun dia la veig en ma!!!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Perfect precision paintingJeff Burns "Tinman"
A total inspiration!! Thank you for sharing this master piece!RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo
Magic brush!trinity9
Dang. painting like this can be discouraging. I mean that is a favorable way also! Fantastic, everything about it.