designed, sculpted and painted for scale75. 75mm. Super sculpey firm grey- Milliput- Duro

painted version-
  • Alex ✍

    I love the pose! Great work Alfonso!

  • Max RichieroPLUS

    GREAT Alfonso!!! :) :) :) I want paint it!!!

  • Sven Jonsson, "Avelorn"

    Beautiful concept, pose and detailing. The ear seems a tad misplaced though. Look for where the earcanal is compared to the zygomatic bone. Otherwise an absolute gem, would love to paint it.

  • Stavros Zouliatis

    Great scuplt !!!!! gold all the way, congrats !!!!

  • Patrick "The Small" Masson

    fantastic work Alfonso, the pose, expression and details you have put in him are awesome. Congratulations

  • Sash

    Hi Alfonso, for me higher Art of sculpting is when a miniature has characker and expression. You did all this in awonderfull way in this sculpted vision.
    Thank you a lot for posting

  • Borja Garcia

    Me encanta Alfon! Magnifico trabajo. Un abrazo

  • santimolto

    Ha quedado un conjunto muy chulo!. Felicidades para mis amigos de Scale75 y para el escultor. Buen trabajo.

  • Winterland

    Genial, me encanta, una figura llena de posibilidades.

  • David Cid "Parvilon"

    Bonita figura y me gusta más esta versión “patapalo”  que la que he visto pintada con un pie robótico.

    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      Gracias. La pierna mecanica se añadio despues de sacar las fotos pprqur el cliente queria un aspecto mas steampunk y pidio una pata mecanica. A mi tambien me gusta mas la pata de palo. :)

  • Jay Martin (Redrum)PLUS

    Stunning, a must have. Great work buddy, I might be reviewing this for FPM, if I get a chance :D

  • Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS

    master… you are always an inspiration!
    outstanding work!

    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      Thanks my friend…i hope i will continue producing good stuff that inspire you.. ;)

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Great sculpt, Alfonso. Very unique and authentic. This is how Ahab must have looked like! Thank you for your talent!

    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      Wow!. Thanks roman. I am crying. ;). Is very nice to work arround those subjects that are not warriors or monsters… my mind works better when I can support the character on top of a strong story. Capt ahab is a character that fit very well with us. Someone that spend his life looking for something that he already know that is almost impossible to catch.. in a very stubborn way.. he look for his perfection. Same as any good artist should do. He is a character that i feel linked to.. i dont know if this make sense.. jejeje

  • Lucas Pina

    Para mí es uno de tus mejores trabajos. Aunque no me gusta lo steampunk, se compensa con el romanticismo que hay intrínseco en el clásico lobo de mar, que me encanta. El porte y la presencia y naturalidad de las telas es muy bueno, quizás lo que menos me gusta es el acabado de la pipa. Pero es genial.

    • Lucas Pina

      Me acabo de dar cuenta de que tiene una pata de palo. Chapeau. :D

    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      Gracias lucas. Me halagas. ;). Tus ultimos trabajos son un lujito.

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    The best and greatest rendition of the famed wake hunter. Excellence in detail

  • BerenMiniatura

    Yo creo que ya esculpes mejor que pintas, que ya es decir! jejeje… preciosa….una cara con carácter! no es mi tipo de figura, pero es una pasada. Felicidades!

    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      Jajaja. No se si tomarmelo bien o mal..jajaja.gracias tio… q va.. pinto muchisimo mejor porque tengo muchisimos mas recursos.. con pintura no me atasco . Se lo q hago. Si fallo lo uyilizo a mi favor.luego otra cosa es q haga mi mejor pieza o no..q eso es mas dificil porque tb depende del proyecto y si es un reto o no.. pero con escultura todo es nuevo.m un reto a resolver con cada cosa q hago.m me siento super inseguro modelando y eso me encanta. Soy mucho peor pero me lo paso pipa. Ademas tardo mas de lo debido.. pero voy cogiendo ritmo. :)

  • Ben Baird

    This is such a stunning piece of work. I love how you did not overdo things or make him too violent. He looks like a sailor/fisherman that is pensively regarding the sea. Love it. You have done so much for the hobby, especially your work with Scale75. Thanks for your part in creating the best metallics the mini painting world has ever known.

    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      thanks mate. your words sound beautiful. and ia m also glad that you like the new metallics. i must do an article about their use. thanks!

  • Jeff Burns "Tinman"

    I am humbled by your talent. Thank you for your work.

  • Anastasios Kandris

    Stunning job, well done!!!

  • John B

    Great job. I’ve got to tell you though, this guy looks just like my father, lol. So much so I had to do a double take! Crazy!

  • John B

    Great job. I’ve got to tell you though, this guy looks just like my father, lol. So much so I had to do a double take! Crazy!