The best of any "artisitic" work not is the final result. Not is the trophy, the medal or the claps. The best part of it's the process, the travel. Because you don't travel alone. You travel with other incredible artists that bring to you their nice help. This miniature is the result of two incredible travels to uk and the friendship of some nice guys. Thanks to Marc Masclans, Alfonso Giraldes, Diego Esteban, Israel González, Adrian Prado, Albert Moretó and Iago Pineda, for their advices, eyes and hands.
So, I present my vision of a mythological creature, a centaur, into the universe of w40k.
Comments are welcome, I hope you like it!
Thanks to Marc Masclans Miniatures for the photos.
Te pongo una plata porque Creo q en conjunto todavia le faltan cosas. La pega es que te falta cayo para rematar estos proyectos.m la peana deberia ser otra y apoyar mejor a la hisyoria. Para q no solo sea una figura ultra molona.. Pero en un contexto de golden demon me parece un oro rotundo. Muy chula.El placer toni es disfrutar de tu fidelidad como amigo.
This IS miniature painting!! This IS nurgle!! I agree with you comment. Not the claps or the trophies and not just meeting great artists but SHARING your work with them to be awestruck by. Clap clap clap gooold
Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
Te pongo una plata porque Creo q en conjunto todavia le faltan cosas. La pega es que te falta cayo para rematar estos proyectos.m la peana deberia ser otra y apoyar mejor a la hisyoria. Para q no solo sea una figura ultra molona.. Pero en un contexto de golden demon me parece un oro rotundo. Muy chula.El placer toni es disfrutar de tu fidelidad como amigo.toni_nieto
Grácias Bro!Alex ✍
Thanks!Paweł Makuch "Monstroys"
Amazing mini and idea - cant stop looking at it!toni_nieto
Thanks Pawel!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
This IS miniature painting!! This IS nurgle!! I agree with you comment. Not the claps or the trophies and not just meeting great artists but SHARING your work with them to be awestruck by. Clap clap clap goooldtoni_nieto
Thank you very much!Winterland
Buen trabajo Toni ;)toni_nieto
Grácias!Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"
Whoa! Ugly as hell:D I love it! Fantastic conversion. I can see here joy with modelling and painting. Keep going! Best regards Sławoltoni_nieto
Thanks!Marco Pescini
Great job! I love the colour scheme and the freehand on the head! The face is sculpted by zero?toni_nieto
Thanks! :)Fulvio"jumanji"Pagliettini
molto bellotoni_nieto
Thanks Jumanji!Roman LappatPLUS
Wow! Impressive!toni_nieto
Thanks, Roman!