Thank you Dirk :) I know about that “problem”...but struggled hard to get the color right and once it was almost the way i want it to be i decided to leave it so to not mess it up. It’s my very first bust and a silver rating is a real honor…
But next time I will try my best to extend the contrast ;)
Good work
Sebastian "Simon Moon" Reschke
Thank you :)
John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Gold from me simon
Sebastian "Simon Moon" Reschke
Thank you very mutch John :)
It seems like i have done everything right so far with my first bust :)
Viktor Osipenko
very good!
Sebastian "Simon Moon" Reschke
Thank you Viktor!
Dirk "Barakwolf" Seidel
Nice Bust. I think the eyes are great. Only the armor needs some more contrast.
Sebastian "Simon Moon" Reschke
Thank you Dirk :) I know about that “problem”...but struggled hard to get the color right and once it was almost the way i want it to be i decided to leave it so to not mess it up. It’s my very first bust and a silver rating is a real honor…
But next time I will try my best to extend the contrast ;)
Michael "Dellolyn" Hansen
Think the same then Dirk. Great job, armor need some more details.
Cool color choice btw ;-)
Sebastian "Simon Moon" Reschke
Thank you for your constructive criticism Michal!
Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Really like the eyes and bluie armor!! Gold
Sebastian "Simon Moon" Reschke