i dont know who was the winner, but i hope he will enjoy this little mini i painted with big pleasure.
in this case i tried a texture exercise starting from a play of primary colours, all the process was done by pasting pure painting from the pot painted with golden acrylics paste.
I show u one "in progress" pic to show u the real size.
you can see the complete step by step in my facebook. check it, share and like it ..if you like..
I hope you enjoy it!
Joan Carles Ros "RosmaN"
Muy bpnita alfonso, como un pintado aparentemente tan sencillo puede darle esa vida a la miniatura!! Por cierto, aun np han echo la rifa de la mini, aso que aun no le ha tocado a nadie, ya estoy rezando a todos los dioses para ser el agraciado jejjje.Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
pues ojala te toque a ti. a mi tb me haria ilusion.Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS
for me every things you touch is gold man... ;) i really love the painting approach here, using colori directly and mixing on the figure, is very artistic and emotional type of painting, i will love to see this kind of work also on some more "deep" type of figure.Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
franchi, i am not sure if you should be my mánager or if you should talk in my funeral when i will be gone.. jejeje. both are valuable for me.