Hi, last Christmas I took part in a secret Santa initiative with a group of Hobby friends, it was quite simple, we each painted up a nice miniature and then sent it to a randomly selected participant. I decided to make a special effort with this cool little miniature and even used a festive colour scheme. My good friend Gero Colodro was the lucky recipient and he now has The Red Dwarf in his cabinet in Madrid. :)

I used Citadel and Vallejo paints, some of the work was done with an airbrush, although most of it was brush painted.
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    John your killing me bro stoooop posting I can’t vote that fast!! But I gotta say I live your version mate. Man this kid can paint!!!

    • Jonathan Hart

      Thanks again John! This one was lovely to paint, I was especially happy painting him as I knew he would be a Christmas gift for a good friend.