The chill wind howled deep in a cold ravine, wisps of death laced magic a consequence of dark rituals performed far away caused the long dead to stir. Lord Cerastus, Tyrant of Cimmeria, despot of old, buried deep by his own lest his eternal sleep be one day disturbed returned by dark design to unholy life...he raised his cursed Wight blade and hissed a foul curse at the moon, determined to take his revenge on the world that would forget him.

This was my first real attempt at anything NMM, I used reddish browns to try and get an ancient bronze/copper colour on the armour plates. I also had a go at painting an obsidian/black grey blade. I enjoyed this paint job immensley and I'm happy with the glowing potion the sword and bits of the armour, I still have a lot of practice before I'm anywhere near good at this technique!

Hope you like it and can give me feedback. All the best!
  • Ben Baird

    You should be very happy with this. Classic NMM look. Perhaps the transitions could be blended a bit smoother on the sword, but then again it goes black to white and back again quite a bit which is very challenging. Love the copper plates, perhaps a bit more pinkish highlights on it? Love the glare points. All other parts are top work, from the cloak to the rusted chain. Silver!

    • Jonathan Hart

      Thanks Ben!! I want to keep practising the technique, I’ve seen some really stunning NMM work on here as inspiration. :)

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    This is amazing the metals the light points really damn fine if they had a platinum button Ide ve hit that.

    • Jonathan Hart

      Thanks John, glad you like it!!

  • Lee Hebblethwaite (10 ball)

    very nice