Herakles & Cerberus ( ALEXANDROS MODELS)
Herakles & Cerberus ( ALEXANDROS MODELS)
I am very glad to get the invitation to this wonderful website.

Here I would like to show the boxart for one of the figures of this year - Ηρακλής και Κέρβερος (Herakles & Cerberus). This is a 80mm figure, has metal and resin parts. Sculpture by Carles Vaquero

100% Oil Paints
  • Archontis Kitsios

    Welcome Alex! It is long past it’s due for someone of your skill to be a part of this wonderful community. And we all await for your wonderful figures! Excellent demonstration of your painting skills with oils, a true inspiration…Gold, of course!

  • Matt DiPietro

    Beautiful! Fine work on the rendering of materials.

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Best I’ve seen..holy shit gold gold gold

  • Anastasios Kandris

    Master level, platinum for sure!

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    la escultura es….griega…preciosa..tiene un balance genial del cuerpo. los musculos tienen una naturalidad pasmosa y eso con un cuerpo tan cuadrado me parece algo muy dificil.. de verdad, enhorabuena a carles porque me parece una escultura para estudiar de referencia. mi visionn de la pintura es totalmente diferente a la tuya de ahi que sean tan distintas.. a mi me pide mas contraste pero ya es mi deformacion profesional y mi ojo que va muy encaminado a buscar contraste y efecto..pero se ver una buena pintura sea del estilo que sea, y la tonalidad de la piel, aunque yo personalmente la subiria mas de contraste de luz, te reconozco que es preciosa..perfecta..muy equilibrada..parece piel real de un tio musculoso q ha estado al sol…el pecho es acojonante alex.  un conjunto de trabajo cojonudo.

  • Erich_Strasser

    Simple great, gold
    (I must look for my oil coulours)

  • Fesechko

    I noticed it on ALexandros models site. Great and very artistcally realistic!

  • Alexandre_Cortina_Bonastre

    Thank you !!! :)

  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Excellent execution. Wonderful paintings of remarkable sculpture!

  • Marco Pescini


  • Dimitry Gaudin

    I had a privelege to see alot of Alexandre’s work live in my hands. I can tell you with confidence, guys, no photographs do justice to what this man is doing with paints. The detail and vibrancy of colours is incredible.

  • Jay Martin (Redrum)PLUS

    Stunning GOLD!

  • Sergey Savenkov

    Ottimo lavoro Alex!

  • Jason Zhou

    Really fantastic work on both sculpting and painting!

  • Alexandre_Cortina_Bonastre

    Thanks a lot !!!

  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    Heracles : the hero of my childhood.

  • pit rehmke

    Again an outstanding figure, modulated and colored.
    Great !

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    one of my preferred works ever. Gold

  • Diego Pinna

    Bellissimo lavoro, complimenti…ORO

  • Alex ✍

    Amazing job! Always loved this ❤️

  • Philippe
