Colouristo’s Albert
Colouristo’s Albert
Colouristo’s Albert
Colouristo’s Albert
A special project to me.

"A person who never made a mistake never tried something new" (Albert Einstein)

Many thanks to you Roman, Francesco and Alfonso. Because of you and your workshops, I have now reached my personal point to be completely free during my painting.

@ Roman: Because of your inspiration I felt in love with minitature painting
@ Francesco: I first started with a circle .... and now I start to see the the reflection of the flying dragon in the eye of the archer ;)
@ Alfonso: You finally freed my personal approach to be able to create and use endless colours!

It is wonderful!

I only used the three basic colours, black and white and I wanted to bring in a lot of colours into the white coat.

With best wishes to all artists on their personal journey!

PS: And also a special thank to all great sculptors out there to support us with your great miniatures
@ Alexander Deryabin: I am completely in love with your miniature because it is just full of personality!
  • Alexander Deryabin (Zippo)

    Magnificent painting!

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    I think that you made a big improving. Your comprehension of colour and volumes is much better. And for sure you will enjoy painting even more. I am happy yo see this. The face looks really cool. Well done mate. Big hug!

  • Lee Hebblethwaite (10 ball)

    Love him

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS


  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Hi Oli, well I am happy to see you painting happy. I told you once or twice it is important to find your personal freedom when working with colors. Everyone struggles with this once in a while. In this miniature I can see how you managed to find yours. Your color play is beautiful on this paintjob, free of fear, free of expectations of others - I can see that. I can see how you put things that “your” teachers thaught you together, but more important I can see you as a person in this paintjob. That’s the direction my friend, yes. Keep on going. Yes I will be in Monte and we both will have a deeper talk about this topic if you come too. Best, Roman ... PS: Keep on happy painting!

    • Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)

      Hi Roman, nice to hear this words from you. Looking forward to another great time at Monte!

  • Jose_A_Alfonso

    hahaha, its great!